Thursday, December 5, 2013

Style Inspiration: Kerry Washington

Lately Kerry Washington's style has garnered her the amount of praise that many women would die for.  Not afraid to go bold with bright colors but equally unafraid of wearing an all white ensemble, she is a true style icon (in my opinion).  She's classy, smart, and sophisticated and she exudes that very well in her choice of dress.  Check out some of her looks...

This ensemble alone spawned my love of red lipstick. 

Oh, Kerry you're so chic and Scandal is such an amazing show.  Well hope you enjoyed.  Check out Scandal tonight at 10 pm Eastern on ABC.  

photos credit: &

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Try Something New

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.  The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions:  could have, might have, 
and should have."
-Louis E. Boone

The unknown is a scary place.  We fear the unknown because it brings the possibility of failure but how often do we reminisce about a situation and what the outcome could have been had we tried something new?  My mom always said that people don't mind trying new things as long as they're exactly like the old ones.  Trying new things is important and intricate in the human experience.  It's garners growth, creativity, and keeps you from becoming bored.  That rut that a lot of us go through is a rut that we've created by staying in our normal mundane routine.  Trying new things is our key to getting out of that rut.  So where should you start?  Well I compiled a list of 5 small things you can do that will allow you to venture into the unknown so read up and go forth young grasshoppers.  

1.  Start small.  Do something that makes you nervous, like going to the movies by yourself or going to dinner alone. 
2.  Take a class to learn a new skill. Karate maybe or even ballet just sign up for it.  Your goal isn't to become an expert you're just trying something new.
3. Hang out with new people.  You know that coworker that you always decline when she invites you out, well next time don't decline. 
4.  Compliment a stranger.  It's a great way to start a conversation and everyone likes to be complimented. 
5.  Volunteer somewhere.  First of all you're helping others and you'll get the added advantage of meeting new people.  

Trying new things may not always lead to something monumental but it's better than nothing.   So get up, get out, and just try something new.  

Until next time...XOXO

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Apologies & Annoucement

I know you all are probably sick and tired of reading my apologies for not posting more but I promise what I have been going through is huge.  My life as I know it is about to change.  Yes I'm dramatic but seriously it's about to change and it's all because......

I am expecting We are expecting our little bundle of joy early July 2014.  I wanted to wait until after the first trimester but my doctor says that everything looks fine so I decided to make the announcement earlier.  It just so happens that I came back from our vacation with a bigger souvenir than I expected.  

I'm currently 8 weeks along and super excited.  Dad is also excited and very anxious about us not living so far apart from one another (he currently lives 5 hours away).  So far the only symptoms I have are nausea, fatigue, and back pain.  All of which are very welcome as long as my little one is healthy.  

Soon I'll begin posting pictures to document the weeks to come.

Thanks for reading :)