Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday Inspiration

Thinking of a master plan?
I haven't posted in a quite a while and a lot of that has to do with what I've been going through lately.  In the time that I've been absent from the blogging scene I've been through so much and I finally feel like I'm getting back to being happy...not that mask that I put on every day for the public but honestly and truly happy.   Life is funny (sometimes in the way that's not literally funny).  The best way that I can describe what I've gone through in the past 6 months is like being a beginner swimmer and a strong current sweeps you out into the ocean where there is no land in sight.  You can't gain any footing and wave after wave is crashing into you and you have no idea if they're pushing you out further or if you're getting closer to land.  What's worse is that no one notices.  Scary right?  That was me and I'm sure I'm not the only person in history that's been through something similar so enough of the talk and let's get to how I got out of it.  Actually, it's more like how I got through it.

1.  Realize no one is coming to save you.  As cynical as it may sound it's true in most situations.  I'm not saying that no one will help I am simply saying that you have to work for it and you have to want it.  As John Heywood said, 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink'.  Plenty of people tried to help but I had to want it.

2.  Be aware of yourself.  We all want to be number one but there comes a time where you have to realize that you can't be number one at everything.  We're told that we can be anything we want to be. We should have also been told we can't be everything.  Admit what you're bad at and then focus on what you're good at.  Don't waste your time doing something that you aren't good at.  Don't bullsh*t yourself.

And finally the best advice I received from a friend (and back to the swimming comparison)...

3.  Stop swimming against the current.  What?! What my friend meant is that you're wasting your time.  You're tiring yourself out and getting nowhere.  Eventually you are going to drown so stop.  The mission is not to get out of the situation, the mission is to deal with it, learn from it, and use what you learned when that current gets you to where you are going.

Everything that you go through isn't happening for nothing.  And yes it all does seem to happen at once but why not get all these lessons in at once?  I learned a lot about myself and abilities in the last 6 months.  I'm still learning.  So when you feel like you're at the end of your rope hang on and focus.  You don't win some and lose some. You win some and learn some, but should you not learn your lesson bet on the fact that you will repeat.  I know my post won't save the world but I hope that it at least helps one person that's struggling.  Thank you for reading.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Advice: Planning

"Plans are nothing; planning is everything."
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Life is hectic and that's a fact that we all know.  Changes come up every minute and just when you think you have it all mapped out it's generally at those times that you come to a roadblock.  However, if you're looking to increase you productivity, get organized, or make the most of your free time planning is a great way to accomplish your goals.   So where do you start?  For those who are just beginning I'd like to share a few tips that have helped me.

My choice tools for planning. 
1.  Reserve a block of time during your day for planning.
For myself, this is usually at around 6:30 in the morning as I am having my cup of tea.  You can choose to map out your day whenever you please but I suggest doing this either the night before or first thing in the morning.

2.  Choose the tool that works best for you.
Whether it's an app on your phone or a planner just make sure to have something on hand that makes your tasks for the day visual.

3.  Take it day by day.
There's nothing wrong with planning ahead (monthly/annually) and I do especially when I know I have appointments, meetings, or deadlines to keep. However, my detailed planning is most effective when I list my 'to-dos' on a daily basis.  It helps me focus.

4. Mark things off.
When you've completed a task mark through it.  It's helpful to see what you accomplished and how much you can accomplish.

5.  Take it easy.
Planning is a tool for you to use to help you not stress you out.  Don't worry if you don't complete a task on the day you planned to just add it to the next day's list.  Planning is a guide and for the most part your guide is pliable.

As I always say change is inevitable and everything that we plan does not always come to fruition.  Planning is not to be mistaken with setting out a hardcore plan for your day.  It should be seen as more of a guide for your day.  Planning is a means to help you stay focused and accomplish your goals.  I hope this helps.

Thank you for reading. XOXO

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

This past year has had it's ups and downs. I've accomplished so much and I'd like to thank everyone who provided encouragement and support. I hope that we can go into this year with a sense of renewal and a vibrant outlook on life.  I love you all and I look forward to sharing this year and all that it brings with you.

Remember that you are of infinite worth. You can't win them all and you weren't made to kill yourself trying. Struggle and hardship is universal and not for your own personal eternal ownership. We experience pain but we have to remember to feel it then let it go in order to grow.  We are stronger than we know. Let this year and every day signify a new beginning. Be you, be strong, and be happy.

For those in pursuit of their dreams be bold and unshaken!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Try Something New

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.  The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions:  could have, might have, 
and should have."
-Louis E. Boone

The unknown is a scary place.  We fear the unknown because it brings the possibility of failure but how often do we reminisce about a situation and what the outcome could have been had we tried something new?  My mom always said that people don't mind trying new things as long as they're exactly like the old ones.  Trying new things is important and intricate in the human experience.  It's garners growth, creativity, and keeps you from becoming bored.  That rut that a lot of us go through is a rut that we've created by staying in our normal mundane routine.  Trying new things is our key to getting out of that rut.  So where should you start?  Well I compiled a list of 5 small things you can do that will allow you to venture into the unknown so read up and go forth young grasshoppers.  

1.  Start small.  Do something that makes you nervous, like going to the movies by yourself or going to dinner alone. 
2.  Take a class to learn a new skill. Karate maybe or even ballet just sign up for it.  Your goal isn't to become an expert you're just trying something new.
3. Hang out with new people.  You know that coworker that you always decline when she invites you out, well next time don't decline. 
4.  Compliment a stranger.  It's a great way to start a conversation and everyone likes to be complimented. 
5.  Volunteer somewhere.  First of all you're helping others and you'll get the added advantage of meeting new people.  

Trying new things may not always lead to something monumental but it's better than nothing.   So get up, get out, and just try something new.  

Until next time...XOXO

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Active Prepared Life: Limitations

Though are often physical limitations that affect us all (for example:  humans can't fly) there are no limitations on what we can accomplish (example: we made planes so that we could fly).  The only limitations that apply to us are the ones that we create for ourselves.  Often times we think of something great then never go after it because we feel as though we are not talented enough, we don't have enough experience, or aren't smart enough.  In our minds we're not good enough to accomplish what we wish for.  Now is the time to stop that.  If we think of it then we can accomplish it.  It doesn't matter what everyone else is saying.

My mom always told me, 'Let them talk, but if they had an ounce of the guts you have they'd be trying too.'  When many of us were children we did things without even thinking about the consequences.  Yes, this is dangerous when not controlled, but why can't we apply this gusto to our adult lives.  We know what's safe and unsafe.  We rationalize the hell out of our doubts.  We make our imaginary inadequacies actualities because we believe in them more than we believe in ourselves and what we can accomplish.

This is what I've been dealing with recently.  I am probably the most prominent doctor of my own limitations.  I seek a better paying job and all I think when I'm filling out applications is 'No you don't have enough experience' or 'You're not qualified for that' but it stops now.  No more limiting myself by what I believe I can accomplish.  I've accomplished a good bit so far in life but that fear of failure stops me every time I seek something better.  No more fear, any failure that I encounter will be lesson, a stepping stone of sorts because I'm not perfect and there will be shortcomings.

Goals for this week

1. Stay positive and focused.
2. Go after what you want and don't let anyone (especially yourself) tell you that you can't do it.   

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I'm Back!

First I'd like to apologize for neglecting my blogging duties for so long (it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post).  Things became a little too overwhelming for me and so I took some time to gather myself and my thoughts.  Okay the true story is that I sat in front of my computer this morning and told myself either you get it together or you let it go...I decided to get it together.  Big girls cry but they don't give up.   So here I am.   I have a lot of exciting things to share and there's nothing more in this world that I'd like better than sharing them with you all.  So with that being said here's what I have in store....
  • The Well Dressed Woman
  • Fall Fashion Wishlist
  • The Well Dressed Man
  • My Vacation Files
  • Cell Phone Etiquette
  • Reviews, Reviews, Reviews
  • More Active Prepared Life
  • And So Much More

Thanks for reading and I love you all. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Just Enjoy The Show

Eye of the Tiger!!
A lot of times we get so wrapped up in our troubles and hard times seem to be around every corner that we lose sight of everything else.  Nope, everything is not it's best but everything isn't at its worst either.  Don't be a loser when it feels like you're losing control try to step back and look at everything.  You can't control life's circumstances but you can control your reaction it what life brings.  Life is a beautiful struggle and when I feel like I'm losing control I just sit back and enjoy the show.  I've never gotten any use out of worrying and neither will you.  When things aren't in your control be calm, be still and watch what happens.  Trying to fight what you can't change is only wasting the energy that you could be putting towards something else.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Book Review: Tuesdays With Morrie

tuesdays with Morrie

"The last class of my old professor's life took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed its pink leaves.  The class met on Tuesdays."

Mitch Albom sums it up well with the first sentence of the book.  Tuesdays with Morrie is a class, it's the most important class that any person can take.  For the last few months of Morrie Schwartz's life he received a visit every Tuesday from his faithful student Mitch Albom.  Each week they would cover a particular subject ranging from family to forgiveness and each week Morrie would provide Mitch with a little more knowledge than he had before.  They treated this time together in this 'class' as Mitch's final thesis.  It would be his final because Morrie was dying.  Morrie had ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) an incurable and  brutal disease.  Mitch had lost touch with his beloved professor but after seeing him on Nightline he began to visit him as he had promised.  This book is a a powerful account of courage and wisdom.  It's a loving and moving look at a man who as he is staring inevitable death in the eye somehow remains grateful and content with the situation.  This book is full of inspiration and I can't go too far into details because I want others to experience it for themselves.    Any summation that I type could not fully incorporate what this book does, what is teaches, or how it makes you feel.  Please if you haven't read it I urge you to go out and get a copy.  It is a classic, I just had to revisit this book. It is an oldie but a goodie as my mom used to say. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

My Active Prepared Life #2: Goals This Week

Disclaimer:  Let me start out by saying that by posting these goals I am letting everyone who reads this into my life.  I like my privacy and doing this actually makes me very uncomfortable but it is what's best because by announcing my goals to my readers I am establishing some accountability as many of you pointed out in my initial post that summarized the plan (The Active Prepared Life). Thank you for reading and coming on this journey with me. 


This week there are only four categories because after completing last weeks goals in the 'love' category.  My relationship with my significant other has improved tremendously thus leaving me feeling very secure.  So I removed that category because at the moment my love life is satisfactory.  If I begin to feel anything less than secure I'll definitely revisit that category.  Now onto this weeks goal.

1.  Meditate/Pray daily
2.  Actively think positive thoughts

1.  Work out at least 5 days this week
2.  Eat Clean

1.  Assist whenever needed
2. Ask for more responsibilities

1.  Create a budget
2.  No more spending

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Active Prepared Life #1: Goals This Week

Let me start out by saying that by posting these goals I am letting everyone who reads this into my life.  I like my privacy and doing this actually makes me very uncomfortable but it is what's best because by announcing my goals to my readers I am establishing some accountability as many of you pointed out in my initial post that summarized the plan (The Active Prepared Life). Thank you for reading and coming on this journey with me. 


These are the areas in my life that I feel need the most improvement.  Each week I will set goals in these categories aimed at cultivating a more healthy and happy lifestyle for myself.  Goals and categories may be removed and also revisited.  The goal is continual improvement and the integration of this system into my lifestyle.  So here goes...

1.  Meditate/Pray for 15mins daily
2.  Actively think positive thoughts

1.  Call my boyfriend at least once a day
2.  Express concerns about relationship

1.  Work out at least 5 times a week
2.  Only drink water (green tea & protein shake are allowed)

1.  Assist wherever needed
2.  Complete tasks as they come to you

1.  Do not lend money
2.  Only purchase necessities

I chose two goals per category this week because I did not want this process to be a burden.  I think two goals should suffice until I get into this.  Once again thank you for reading.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Active Prepared Life

I am a firm believer in the process of continual improvement but it can be a little confusing when it's time to take action.  Where do you start?  How long should you give yourself?  When do you know that you've reached your goal?  The questions are limitless and so are  the answers depending on who you ask.  However, I have found a system that I find very intriguing and promising.  It is called The Active Prepared Life and I read all about it at Moments of Style by Patricia Bright.  Her blog is amazing and so are her YouTube videos (found here).  So here is a rundown of this journey I will be embarking on. 

What is The Active Prepared Life?
Basically there are two factors in achievement, one being 'Preparation' and the other having an 'Active' approach.  It's simple. To achieve success you must be as prepared and as active as possible.

Be Active
Say for instance you have a job, like myself, and you would really like a promotion.  Well sitting at your desk waiting for it just isn't going to cut it.  You have to work for that promotion.  Mediocre effort will only get you mediocre results.

Be Prepared
Well would you set out on a journey without a map.  We're trying to achieve goals here not set them then see where life takes us.  The 'Prepared' element is a plan for how you are going to be active.  You need this plan so that you won't become confused. 

It's simple take action but make a plan (prepared) before you do.  I plan to use this model over the next couple of months/years and I plan to take you all along with me.  Each week I will post a different set of goals in categories (e.g. Life/General, Career, Finance, etc.).  At the end of the week (included in my 'This Week in Retrospect post) I will post a entry documenting how my week went using this model.    I hope you enjoy.

June 24, 2013
The Active Prepared Life 1:  Goals for This Week 

Thanks you for reading. Oh and check out Patricia's blog, Moments of Style.

Friday, May 24, 2013

5 Pieces of Advice

Throughout life we have the fortunate circumstance to come across those people who offer you inspiration that becomes etched in our minds.  That inspiration often comes in the form of advice.  Whether it be a story, a scenario, or their actions they all offer a lesson.   Out of all of the advice that I've received thus far in life there are few that stand out.  Today I decided to share five bits of advice and the people who gave them  that have helped me through life (thus far) in general.

1.  Knowledge is powerful but be careful as to where you acquire knowledge.
-Deb (that's my mom)
A very powerful message because, yes you may know a lot, but how many of those things are actually  void of deceit.  There are entities out there whose main goal is to deceive as many as they can so you really have to evaluate not only what you found but also where you found it.  The origin of knowledge plays a bigger role in it's truth than most people give it credit for.

2.  Know the difference between being productive and being busy.
 You may have numerous items on your agenda but how many of them are actually propelling you towards your goals?  In today's society we equate being busy with being important but if you're not accomplishing anything then it's not relevant.

3.  State the facts but always tell the truth.
If you are a genuine person then why wouldn't the things you say be genuine.  Your words are of utmost importance, aside from your actions, which are what others base you credibility, reliability, and integrity off of so don't blow it by telling people what they want to hear.  Do not compromise your values for the sake of someones feelings.  They came to you for the truth.

4.  Life is equally unfair for us all.
Guess what?  You can't win them all and that's life.  Does it make it any less painful?  Nope, but it's the truth.  So why is this a piece of advice?  Simply because complaining about it's unfairness is going to get you nowhere but seeking a solution will.  If you know that life is unfair then you might spend less time complaining about it and more time doing something about your situation.

5.  Be careful, but if not then go all in.
Okay the actual quote went... 'Be careful but if not then f*ck it'.  My friends always have a way of putting things.  His point was that if it's something that you really truly deeply believe in then by all means put your best effort behind it.  He wanted me to be careful but he also wanted me to pursue my dreams.  His theory was that if it's worth it go after it, but in the event that you fail then it was worth the ride (and it had better been one hell of a ride).

Well folks that's it, valuable (or what I consider valuable) advice from great minds.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Positivity is the Key

There is no place for negativity in your life, thoughts, or spirit.  You have to willingly 'look on the bright side of everything'.  You owe this much to yourself.  Your well-being is important.  I know we like to help others but we are in no shape to help others when we aren't whole.  Positivity will get you through hard times.  You know what?  Don't even think (or if you can't help it, correct yourself) in negative terms.  Instead of 'I hope my car doesn't break down today' you should say 'I appreciate the fact that I am able to do what I need to do everyday'.   No worries, no problems.  Our mindset is often our biggest obstacle.  So why let something that you control be a detriment to you?  You don't have to... just change it.

Praying and wishing to be delivered out of a difficult situation is getting us nowhere.  You should instead be praying for the strength, wisdom, and courage to make it through that difficult situation.  Most times the only way to get over something is to go through it and that's where a lesson should be learned.  My mom used to always say the most important lessons are always the hardest to learn and often they culminate from the most difficult of situations.  So face it, life is not easy for anyone nor was it meant to be.

As I said before it will be uncomfortable and hard but with enough practice it will become something that you do without even thinking about it.  TRY IT!  What do you have to lose except for stress/mess?  Get it, got it, great.

Inhale positivity, exhale peace.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Update and Coming Up

I have not been posting as much as I'd like lately simply because my schedule has become very hectic lately.  Recently as I may have mentioned previously I was approached with a few modeling gigs that have me tied up for pretty much the remainder of this month and on into next month.  It's nothing huge but I will get a good bit of exposure participating in these events.  I'm not sure if modeling is something that I'd like to do seriously but it is different and I like to keep my life interesting by trying different things.  I also work a full-time job and I'm also apartment hunting.  So yes my life is certainly very busy but I'd like to take everyone with me so I have begun the vlogging process.  However, posting those videos is taking much longer than anticipated because the editing process is very tedious.  Nonetheless, I will certainly get those videos up along with a few more posts.  Thank you all for reading and I hope that you enjoy what I have in store.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Inspiration #2

I love the idea of inspiration on Mondays. It's the beginning of the week and it feels like a fresh new start.  So why not start the week out happy, fulfilled, and with a little bit of inspiration?

I hope that everyone has a productive a joyous day. 

-Until next time

Sunday, April 28, 2013

This Week In Retrospect: Time to Relax

Sorry everyone I know I haven't posted in a couple of days but it's simply because I been super busy with work, preparing to move, going to school, and life in general.  I have recently started a new workout regime and it's definitely a killer.  It definitely takes time and dedication to live a healthy lifestyle.  No wonder everyone is so unhealthy.  In between work and the gym all I want to do is sleep.  I'll update everyone on that later.  I've definitely been way too stressed.  This week has been one to remember or maybe even one that I'd like to forget.

So what exactly have I learned and witnessed this week.

  1. Living a healthy lifestyle is harder than it seems.  Willpower and support from others come in at an all-time low when you're trying to better yourself.  
  2. Balancing life is also tricky but it is necessary.
  3. Getting enough sleep is very important.  I was late to a few appointments because I got a little too friendly with the snooze button.
  4. Never underestimate the power of effective time and financial management.
Okay so this week wasn't full of thought provoking revelations.  I was so busy.  I'm going to work on a schedule that will allow me to maximize my efficiency throughout the day.  Well, this weekend I had time to relax with family and friends. 

Until Next Time...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Words To Live By

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails, Explore. Dream. Discover. 
 - Mark Twain

It's taken me long enough to write this simply because it took a lot of thought and there were times where what I wanted to say could not be put into words.  Change is daunting no matter how small.  Change provokes a fear in most that can be so destructive that it prevents us from taking a chance that may lead us to a better place or a better way of living.

Today, I just wanted to offer reassurance to those that are attempting to make a change in their lives.  It can be anything...moving, changing careers, or something as simple as adopting a pet.  Lately, I have found myself attempting to make a much desired change in my life and even though it's not the first time it just seems to come with so many more risks this time around.  However, no matter how daunting I'm determined to make this change and I'd like to share with you some inspiration that has proven to be very good advice.  Hopefully this advice will help to make us more confident when striving to achieve our goals and make that change. 

1.  Fear should motivate you.
Fear does not always have to be a detriment to accomplishing goals.  Listen to that fear that you feel.  Often it's an indicator that you're doing something right.  To not feel fear/anxiety/desperation would mean that we did not wish for that change to work out.  Trust yourself and work through your feelings. 

2.  Eliminate Adverse Commitments
Look at your list of things to do.  Now eliminate the ones that directly interfere with what you want to accomplish.  A bit ruthless...yes because you did agree to those tasks but that was before you realized that living the best possible life was the most important task on your list.  Sure you're going to disappoint people but that's fine because life is full of disappointments.  Buildings will not burn and children will not die.  You have to live for yourself and you have to live with the decisions that you make.  There are only so many hours in the day.  Respect yourself and your needs enough to say "I appreciate the opportunity but no thank you" and please let it be final.  

3.  Respect life and death.
Death is the final act in life.  It's a tedious act that takes years to accomplish so let that process be your motivator.  Understand and accept that we will not live forever.  Thus, we have no idea how long we will have to live out our dreams.  Accept that and use it to motivate you to begin living out your dreams today.  We've seen lives cut short so we know that it may happen to anyone.

4.  Ignore the negativity.
There is no doubt in my mind (and there should be none in yours) that you will face opposition once you decide to make this change.  There may even be laughter if things don't work out the way that you expected but ignore that.  If any of the things that people say were true they would have been said before you took the chance.    Place yourself around people who will encourage you.  The naysayers will never know the growth, the pleasure, or the euphoria that results from you accomplishing your goals.  

5.  Surround yourself with people that inspire and encourage you.
These people are people who you respect, admire, and attain satisfaction from simply being around.  You should put yourself around people that are living in a way that you view as a model.  These are the people that when you approached them with your idea they thought of ways to help you.  They will give you honest opinions and feedback when it is needed.   These are the type of people that are integral in you reaching your goals.

6.  Stop Comparing
You are the only person like you.  Sure there are people who may resemble you but you are one of a kind.  It simply is not fair to compare yourself to someone else.  The means by which they live are acceptable to them and even though you may like what appears to be grand it frankly is not your life. We each have a different set of talents, experiences, and gifts that by no means makes us inferior or superior to another person on this earth.  

7.  Banish the Self-Doubt
You have all these other negative entities trying to stop you so why add to your own pool of sorrows?  If you were not good enough to accomplish what you set forth to accomplish then you would or should have never thought of it.  If you want it go get it.  Holding yourself back with thoughts is just absurd.  If you knew how powerful your thoughts were you'd never think a negative thought again.  

Change in life is inevitable but initiating change can be crippling for some.  No matter how small, any change that may change your life for the better is worth pursuing.  Living the life that you dream of is living life to the fullest.  Never be ashamed or deterred from your pursuit.  Live courageously and by doing so you will be closer to reaching your full potential.  


Monday, April 15, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Balance, Happiness, and Confidence

'My life is a place of balance, happiness, and confidence.'

Life for most part is confusing and things happen that cause you to doubt yourself and those around you.  Some doubt is okay because it allows you to assess yourself, your situation, and the people you associate with.  That assessment is often a catalyst for change that can push you towards becoming a better person.  However, constant doubt is in no way healthy or needed.  It contributes to disruptive and harmful behavior that may damage you and your relationships.  Our 'nonbelief' or constant doubt of our abilities will only cause us to fulfill what we believe thus furthering our disappointment and digging us deeper into self doubt.  

So how exactly do we combat those negative beliefs, those persistent nagging thoughts of self doubt?

I choose to employ positive affirmations.  I start my day out with positive affirmations whether they're simple or complex (for those days that seem unbearable).  There's truth to the statement 'it's never as bad as it seems'.  Situations seem terrible because of how we view them.  Change your view and you ultimately change the situation and how you feel about it.  Positive affirmations help you to develop a positive outlook for every situation.  So every morning I try to start my day with a positive affirmation.  I say it out loud because to me it's a little more real that way.  Sure it may be childish whimsy but once you say it out loud it's just that much closer to being tangible.  

In case you're having some trouble coming up with affirmations of your own I've listed a few of my favorites for you.

  1. I have no reason to doubt myself or my abilities.  I am a child of God and doubt does not belong where He is.  Where I am, He is.
  2. Everything I need is right where I am, I just have to recognize it.
  3. I am more than capable of accomplishing what I set out to do today.
  4. In love, I deserve the best and I will not settle for anything less. Nor will I give anyone anything less than what I feel I deserve.
  5. I know that today will be a great day because if I think it I can feel it and if I feel it then it must be real.
Oh and my personal favorite:
I will put on my big girl panties (or big boy britches) and deal with whatever comes my way!

Our own doubt and disbelief in ourselves, our abilities, and relationships contribute to our failure.  Don't get in your own way.  Wake up every morning (every afternoon...whenever) and remind yourself of how great you are, how great you can be, and how your dreams can come true.  Hey, maybe our affirmation for today should be 'today is the day our dreams will come true.'

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