Showing posts with label modeling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modeling. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Vlog 1: Randomness & A Photo Shoot

So yes, I haven't been posting regularly but it's only because I have been very busy with these new opportunities that I have been presented with.  It can be exhausting at times trying to balance my job, my personal life, and everything else that I'm doing but that's life.  I'm sure it's the same way for the majority of us.  I've decided to incorporate vlogging because it's more convenient sometimes.  Let me know what you think.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Update and Coming Up

I have not been posting as much as I'd like lately simply because my schedule has become very hectic lately.  Recently as I may have mentioned previously I was approached with a few modeling gigs that have me tied up for pretty much the remainder of this month and on into next month.  It's nothing huge but I will get a good bit of exposure participating in these events.  I'm not sure if modeling is something that I'd like to do seriously but it is different and I like to keep my life interesting by trying different things.  I also work a full-time job and I'm also apartment hunting.  So yes my life is certainly very busy but I'd like to take everyone with me so I have begun the vlogging process.  However, posting those videos is taking much longer than anticipated because the editing process is very tedious.  Nonetheless, I will certainly get those videos up along with a few more posts.  Thank you all for reading and I hope that you enjoy what I have in store.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happenings This Weekend #1

As it turns out this weekend was very busy for me (hence no post yesterday).  I was able to hang out with a few really good friends while making a few more.  All in all it was pretty good.  My friend, Raven (you'll be seeing a lot of her), and I were able to see a pretty good concert.  I was invited to do a little modeling work at a local club called Soundstage here in Columbia for Sheen Magazine.  Sheen Magazine was there for the Ace Hood concert and consequently we were able to go backstage and view the concert.  It was fun.  We also went to a little 'jewelry party' where we were able to purchase a few pieces of sparkling fun (review will come soon).  Now we're relaxing outside, well I'm updating this blog, but either way it's a much needed break from the monotony of the everyday 9 to 5.   Well, back to relaxing for me, ttyl.

I hope you all had a great weekend also.