Sometimes life deals some pretty powerful blows whether it be death, poverty, or any other event and/or circumstance. Resistance to the struggle is futile, there's no way around it you just have to go through it. It's gonna be alright. Allow yourself to feel however it is that you are feeling but don't dwell. If you're angry be angry, if you're sad be sad, and if you're utterly devastated then you have every right to be. Just go ahead and feel it then when the time is right (and trust me it's different for everyone) allow yourself time to heal. Wounds heal slowly especially emotional wounds. Take your time there's no rush. People should understand and if they don't then you should evaluate your relationship with those people. If you don't allow yourself to heal you'll never be as close to the former you that you were before (I say as close, because every tragedy changes us no matter how small it's a change and sometimes you just can't go back). It's like breaking a bone, if that bone doesn't heal properly then you'll have some serious complications later. So take your time....
I know that I haven't posted anything pertaining to 'My Active Prepared Life' but this week has been a very tough one for thus far. I promise I will get back to those posts as soon as possible.
Thank you for reading.