Showing posts with label clean eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clean eating. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fit Chick Wednesday: Eating Clean

A lot of people ask me how often I work out in order to keep my figure.  My answer is generally 3 to 5 times per week (seems like a lot but I sit at a desk all day).  However, I wholeheartedly believe that while working out is good much of my success as far as fitness is because of my diet.  I eat clean majority of the time and my meals are generally smaller.  So what is eating clean?

Okay, clean eating centers around consuming food that is as close to it's natural state as possible.  Not to be confused with a raw food diet, you can still cook your food but try not to add much.  Also steer clear of refined sugars and become label conscious.  Also, whenever possible try to buy organic items.  I generally eat 5 to 6 small meals per day (2 are generally snacks). It will take some research but eventually it will become easy.  Remember this is not a diet it is a lifestyle change.  Anytime that you're making such a drastic change it will be hard and you'll want to give up but don't it's worth the pain.  Also, remember that water is important.  I do not drink soda or many juices because that's too much sugar.

Don't know what to buy?  No problem I've found a shopping list for you.

Well there you have it.  Being healthy isn't just about exercise.  You have to fuel your body with the appropriate foods.  You will not see results overnight but you will see results, trust me.

Here's a list of other resources to help you get started.

Thanks for reading.  Now go out and get healthy.

Next Fit Chick Wednesday:  My Fitness Journey & Motivation