Thursday, August 22, 2013

Review: Tomato Soap

So in my continual search of skincare products I have stumbled upon what is now my 'holy grail' item in my skincare regime.  I'm not just talking about my facial skincare regime, I'm speaking of full body skincare and it is tomato soap.  Yes, you read that correctly.....tomato soap.  

Tomatoes have high vitamin content and they are a rich source of that antioxidant nutrient, lycopene.  This is what causes tomatoes to be red.  Lycopene cuts the number of free radicals in the body thus countering the aging effects on the body.  Why wouldn't I buy it?

What's in it?
Ingredients include goat's milk, tomato leaf essential oil, tea tree essential oil, and red kaolin clay.  Each bar is anywhere from 4.5 to 5 ounces.

How can you get it?
I bought my bar from the SuppleeSoapCompany on Etsy.  (Click here)  They have other bath, body, and fragrance products for those who are interested.  They are handmade and they are made of high quality materials. I would not recommend anything that I don't trust.  

Total body skincare routine next time maybe?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Style Inspiration: Zoe Saldana

Recently Zoe Saldana has caught mine and many others attention not just for talents as an actress but also for her effortless style.  I believe that her ability to combine sexiness, effortlessness, and a sort of bohemian chic style is a large part of what makes her such an inspiration.  She knows what fits her body and dresses accordingly (or maybe that should be contributed to her stylist Petra Flannery).  Here are some of her looks....

Thank you for reading.  Hope you enjoyed.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

My Active/Prepared Life: Sorting Through Confusion

So as I drank my cup of hot water this morning (yep hot water, I'll explain later) and my 'roommate' began talking to me about duality (he does this a lot) I thought to myself 'what is he talking about it's much too early for this and why is he always so complicated'? 

Granted most things are complicated, rarely is there any thing that is clean cut.  However, how are these complications helping you achieve happiness?  As far as I can see these complications have only served as excuses and have only caused you stress.  If you realize that things are complicated, great.  Everything is not black and white, awesome.  But how is this helping you to make better decisions?  It should be helping you to make better decisions because if it is not then it's just creating mess.

If when asked why you feel a certain way you answer with it's complicated then you're confused.  I would even go further to suggest that knowing how you feel isn't what you want.  That anguish that you feel has so long been a part of your life that you don't know how feeling any other way would make you feel.  It would be uncomfortable and often painful.  So 'it's complicated' is now an excuse to remain where you are.  Unless of course you really are confused and of course no one ever wants to admit that they are confused or that they may not know (be ignorant of) especially when speaking of oneself.  If you don't know you, who does?  Deep down I believe we know ourselves; we just don't disclose or we have repressed what we know because honestly we just don't like what we know or discover.  For this we are in confusion and we can not come out until we at the very least admit what we know to ourselves.

If when asked how you feel regarding a specific topic (example: religion/politics) and you reply it's complicated then honestly honey you're confused.  Admit it.  You're confused and it's going to take a little more self-evaluation and contemplation to bring you out of that confusion.  It's okay to be confused.  I am definitely not saying that it is bad but I think that often people (including myself) are so concerned with not being seen as ignorant that we miss opportunities to acquire knowledge.  If it is knowledge that you seek then it is probably best not to try to be the most knowledgeable person in the room.  Now I will warn that if you seek knowledge you should be careful as to which knowledge you acquire and from where you acquire it.  There are agents out there that will corrupt you and your mind.  Thus you are back at square one>>>>>>>CONFUSION!!

So what does all this mean?  Sure things are complicated but when it becomes you're reasoning behind why you think, you act, and feel the way that you do then it's a result of mess/ignorance.  We all have it and the only way to rid yourself of it is to sort through it.  Complication should never be an excuse.  It should only be stated as a fact and once you know that it is a fact then you know what you have to do to clear it up.  Unless of course you are happy being complicated then by all means live and be happy.

Goal this week:  Simplify, reduce, and sort it out (in all categories).