Friday, June 14, 2013

This Week In Retrospect: Pulling it All Together

So this week (like every other week) had it's ups and downs.  Some things didn't go as planned while others went so smoothly you would have thought it took months to plan.  However, this week did let me see just how focused I am in accomplishing the goals that I have set for myself.

Here are a few goals (some short-term) that I have set for myself that I hope to will accomplish

  • Move into my own place (by myself)
  • Blog on a regular basis
  • Amass a substantial emergency savings
  • Earn my certification in Spanish
  • Exercise on a regular basis
  • Pay off debt...ALL OF IT!
It may not seem like a lot but these are just the big ones.  There are plenty of other things to accomplish as well.  This week my main focus has been organizing everything so that accomplishing these goals happens with as little stress as possible.  Well we all know that nothing comes without obstacles but the point is to not become overwhelmed with what I do have planned and the obstacles when they come my way.  There is a lot of tedious work in becoming successful and living a fulfilling life.  This weekend I urge everyone to look at their goals, focus on the steps it takes to accomplish them, and go after them  with everything in your arsenal. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

E-Mail Etiquette

Day to day we are afforded the luxury of many means of communication.  For myself, the most common means of communication (at my job) is e-mail.  Oh, electronic mail how I loathe and love thee all in one instance.   Recently in my workplace I've noticed that e-mail is replacing good old fashioned phone conversation.  Everyday I communicate with clients via e-mail and it never ceases to amaze me how many people throw etiquette to the wind when communicating via e-mail.  So today I decided to share my top 10 rules for e-mail etiquette.

1.   Spell check 
Quite frankly no one is going to take you seriously if your e-mails have typos.  It's one button and probably 3 minute worth of review.  Give your words the respect that they deserve by spelling them correctly. 

2.  Know your point of contact
I can't tell you how many e-mails I get on a regular basis detailing matters that should be addressed to our CEO.  Sending the e-mail to the correct person is the first part but also know your audience.  Please address your contact with the appropriate level of formality.