Friday, August 30, 2013

Instagram Life & Update

Drive thru kickin' it

I have a massive addiction to these things.

this one though


At work and bored.
Breakfast of champions
I know that I haven't been blogging lately and I sincerely apologize.  I've been so preoccupied with work that I barely have time to sit down and write but what I have been doing is photographing.  Recently I've been on this huge Instagram kick and it's pretty nifty.  It's a great way for everyone to keep up with loved ones and friends without a lengthy status update or blog post.  

Check out my fabulous world

This weekend my boyfriend and I are going on a little mini vacation.  I'll try to keep you all updated with photos and maybe a blog post or two.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Review: Tomato Soap

So in my continual search of skincare products I have stumbled upon what is now my 'holy grail' item in my skincare regime.  I'm not just talking about my facial skincare regime, I'm speaking of full body skincare and it is tomato soap.  Yes, you read that correctly.....tomato soap.  

Tomatoes have high vitamin content and they are a rich source of that antioxidant nutrient, lycopene.  This is what causes tomatoes to be red.  Lycopene cuts the number of free radicals in the body thus countering the aging effects on the body.  Why wouldn't I buy it?

What's in it?
Ingredients include goat's milk, tomato leaf essential oil, tea tree essential oil, and red kaolin clay.  Each bar is anywhere from 4.5 to 5 ounces.

How can you get it?
I bought my bar from the SuppleeSoapCompany on Etsy.  (Click here)  They have other bath, body, and fragrance products for those who are interested.  They are handmade and they are made of high quality materials. I would not recommend anything that I don't trust.  

Total body skincare routine next time maybe?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Style Inspiration: Zoe Saldana

Recently Zoe Saldana has caught mine and many others attention not just for talents as an actress but also for her effortless style.  I believe that her ability to combine sexiness, effortlessness, and a sort of bohemian chic style is a large part of what makes her such an inspiration.  She knows what fits her body and dresses accordingly (or maybe that should be contributed to her stylist Petra Flannery).  Here are some of her looks....

Thank you for reading.  Hope you enjoyed.