Showing posts with label fabulous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabulous. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Just Enjoy The Show

Eye of the Tiger!!
A lot of times we get so wrapped up in our troubles and hard times seem to be around every corner that we lose sight of everything else.  Nope, everything is not it's best but everything isn't at its worst either.  Don't be a loser when it feels like you're losing control try to step back and look at everything.  You can't control life's circumstances but you can control your reaction it what life brings.  Life is a beautiful struggle and when I feel like I'm losing control I just sit back and enjoy the show.  I've never gotten any use out of worrying and neither will you.  When things aren't in your control be calm, be still and watch what happens.  Trying to fight what you can't change is only wasting the energy that you could be putting towards something else.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Happenings This Weekend #2

As you all know I am currently on vacation but I am taking a little time to update you all on what has been going on while I've been on vacation.  My boyfriend and I departed for Florida on Saturday.  While the trip there was great when we got there Expedia conveniently (extreme sarcasm) decided that at that point they would contact us and let us know that something had gone wrong with the reservation.  Meaning that we would not be in the hotel that we wanted to be in.  This is after all monies had been paid.  We had planned to stay on the beach but instead we had to be moved to a hotel that was about 10 minutes away.  I generally do not partake in negative reviews but I definitely will not be utilizing Expedia again.  It may not have been Expedia's fault that there was in issue with the hotel but to tell us 30 minutes before check-in after claiming to have tried to contact us is not acceptable.

Well after we got to the hotel we decided to tidy up then go to the beach and it was amazing.  I loved it and I've said it many times but the beach is my favorite place to be during the summer.  It was absolutely amazing.  The guys played football on the beach while I relaxed, frolicked, and had a cocktail or two.  The view was breathtaking.  Then we went out to eat and partake in the festivities that night.  Yesterday we relaxed and went sightseeing.  I am definitely having fun and not looking forward to returning to work tomorrow.  Below are a few pictures that I took while on our adventure to the beach.

My swimsuit and messy hotel bed.
View on the beach
Sunset..goodnight beach.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Active Prepared Life

I am a firm believer in the process of continual improvement but it can be a little confusing when it's time to take action.  Where do you start?  How long should you give yourself?  When do you know that you've reached your goal?  The questions are limitless and so are  the answers depending on who you ask.  However, I have found a system that I find very intriguing and promising.  It is called The Active Prepared Life and I read all about it at Moments of Style by Patricia Bright.  Her blog is amazing and so are her YouTube videos (found here).  So here is a rundown of this journey I will be embarking on. 

What is The Active Prepared Life?
Basically there are two factors in achievement, one being 'Preparation' and the other having an 'Active' approach.  It's simple. To achieve success you must be as prepared and as active as possible.

Be Active
Say for instance you have a job, like myself, and you would really like a promotion.  Well sitting at your desk waiting for it just isn't going to cut it.  You have to work for that promotion.  Mediocre effort will only get you mediocre results.

Be Prepared
Well would you set out on a journey without a map.  We're trying to achieve goals here not set them then see where life takes us.  The 'Prepared' element is a plan for how you are going to be active.  You need this plan so that you won't become confused. 

It's simple take action but make a plan (prepared) before you do.  I plan to use this model over the next couple of months/years and I plan to take you all along with me.  Each week I will post a different set of goals in categories (e.g. Life/General, Career, Finance, etc.).  At the end of the week (included in my 'This Week in Retrospect post) I will post a entry documenting how my week went using this model.    I hope you enjoy.

June 24, 2013
The Active Prepared Life 1:  Goals for This Week 

Thanks you for reading. Oh and check out Patricia's blog, Moments of Style.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Always Look Your Best

"I don't mind making jokes, but I don't want to look like one."
Marilyn Monroe

It's always an awkward situation when I'm questioned about my tendency to 'fix' myself up before leaving my house.  Leaving my home looking like I had no idea that I'd be going out in public today is simply not something that I'm willing to do.  You should feel comfortable when others see you.  We all know that it can nerve-racking when you see someone and your only thought is 'why couldn't I have worn something else/brushed my hair/or look like her'.   I understand that life is hectic and what you planned isn't always what occurs but even the slightest bit of tweaking makes a difference and can ease your nerves.  

"There are no ugly women, just lazy ones."
Helena Rubinstein

Why not work to put your best foot forward?  Looking your best or at least presentable takes a little work but it pays off.  You'll feel better about yourself and people will want to be around you because chances are if you feel good you'll be in a better mood.  You just have to take the time out of your schedule to do it.  It gets easier as you progress.

So where exactly should you begin?  Well, here are a few tips.
  • Plan your outfits in advance.
  • Groom yourself.  This means wash your face and comb your hair.
  • Invest in basic makeup. You know powder, mascara, lipstick, maybe even eyeliner.
  • Pay attention to details.  Clean your nails, moisturize your skin, and please wash/iron your clothes.
  • Shop quality not quantity.  
  • Keep it simple.  Chances are if you think it might be too much it probably is.  
  • Be prepared.  Keep things like lotion, lip balm, mascara, & one go-to lip color on you or somewhere easily accessible.
  • Know what looks good on you.  If you're not sure ask for an honest opinion. 

It doesn't have to be hard and it's not costly, trust me.  I clearly don't make as much as I'd like to make but I don't have to look it.  Take some pride in the way that you look.  You're gorgeous and absolutely fabulous, so display that.