Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2013

My Active Prepared Life: Making the Best of It

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.
Nido Qubein

There are things in life that we don't like but may still have to do, for example, I have to wake up early in the morning to go to work.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a morning person but I have to work in order to pay bills. So why not make the best of it?  I come in and even though I am pooped, I just make my way to the break room, get a cup of coffee, and smile.  If you have to do it make at least some aspect of it enjoyable.

Focus on the big picture but don't forget these baby steps.
Sometimes you just have to pull out the old 'I doing what I have to do' trick.  Right now you don't like it but it's going to pay off in the long run.  For instance, I am not fond of being an administrative assistant (that's not what I went to college for) but the pay is okay and it's a job. Do you know how many of my peers graduated with me and still haven't found a job.  So why would I gripe about not liking my job when it's helping me to pay bills?

Be appreciative of all the good things and quite a few of the bad things.
Sometimes it help to sit down, pull out a piece of paper, and write down what is going good/great/okay in your life.  It's not all bad, for starters you get to see another day and try for dreams.  There are a good many people who didn't wake up or they don't get to pursue their dreams.  So be thankful that you get to try again.  Also be thankful for the bad things.  Like I've stated before, you have to look for the lesson.  Take something from that pain, hell you went through it!  You came out and sure it shook you up but you're here.

Try your best.
I'd like to add that you should put in as much effort as possible when faced with any task.  I always try to put my best work out even for the most menial of tasks because my name is on it.  If I'm contributing then I want it to be the best that it can be.  You never know who is watching.

Each one has to find his peace from within.  And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.

Mahatma Gandhi

Not to compromise the importance of happiness but let's be honest sometimes the issue is not the situation it's the person.  You choose to be happy regardless of your situation.  Your dream job is not going to make you happy suddenly because it never was the issue.  This is not to say that you should not pursue your dreams.  By all means go after them but until you've met them please make the best of your current situation.   What are choosing to let upset you?  Are you in control of the situation or is the situation in control of you?

This post sums up my goals for this week.  Never one to be deterred, I will have a great week this week and I hope that you all will do the same as well.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Be Happy

"Happiness is not something ready made.  It comes from your own actions."
-Dalai Lama

When I made the decision to change the way that I live I chose to move towards happiness.  However, this proverbial pursuit of whatever happiness is has shown me that even though the word happiness can be defined, the feeling is an entity all its own and its definition depends purely on the seeker/possessor.  I don't believe that we stumble upon happiness or that what causes our despair now once fixed will result in immediate happiness (sure it will but its longevity is questionable).  No you can't just fall into's a choice.  What you do determines whether or not you'll be happy.  You have to want happiness.  If you're broke today and about to lose your home winning the lottery may subdue your misery for some time but where there is light there is also darkness and distress is unfortunately always around the corner. You have to make an effort.  I am a believer in doing what's right, though I may not do right all the time.  You should strive to be good to yourself and to others.  Your happiness depends on you.  If you change, it will prompt change in your lifestyle, your friends, and your surroundings.  

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
-Aristotle Onassis

Be grateful for what you have even if it is very little not because it could always be worse but because you know it will get better.  Make your thoughts positive thoughts.  Everyday won't be a good day, it's just not possible or plausible but if even on those bad days you force yourself to focus on the positive things that are taking place in your life you'll be all the better for it.  Trust me, I was a very angry/sad person and though I will not dwell on my situation I have come a long way in this last year. Your despair, anger, or whatever you want to call it will hold you back if you let it.

"Seeing is deceiving,
Dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay."
-Jessie J (Who You Are)

It's okay not to be okay.  You can not possibly be happy all the time unless there's some magical entity I don't know about.  It's not going to happen.  You could fake happiness but you're only hurting yourself.  When you feel angry, upset, sad, or miserable take the time to actually feel those feelings.  You do not have to dwell in them. Let them go after you've dealt with them.  Pain shouldn't last forever.  If you can't cope with what you feel then it's time to go seek professional help.  I say this with all the sincerity in my heart.  I don't think that depression or any feeling that may cause you to harm yourself or others is a laughing matter.  If you can't pull yourself up there are people who can help.  

Our happiness can't be found through any other means than ourselves.  Why not choose to be happy?  

Monday, July 15, 2013

My Active Prepared Life: I'm Back

"Today and for a lifetime discouragement will follow you and keep you company if you allow it to do so.  "

Discouragement and negativity are no strangers to any of us.  It is offered on a daily and regular basis it is up to each and every one of us to accept or reject it.  Don't quit because it seems to hard.  Don't give up because someone said it's impossible.  Don't retreat because you're scared.  If you fail you should fail trying.  

Focus on the positive, reject the negative.
Focus on my goals.
No more potty mouth. Yep, I say bad words.

Drink water all week.
Work out 5 days this week.

No more spending.

It's going to be a great week with many accomplishments.  It does not matter who told you that your dream is impossible.  Do not dwell in negativity and discouragement.  Be happy even if trouble is around the sure beats being down.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Happenings This Weekend #2

As you all know I am currently on vacation but I am taking a little time to update you all on what has been going on while I've been on vacation.  My boyfriend and I departed for Florida on Saturday.  While the trip there was great when we got there Expedia conveniently (extreme sarcasm) decided that at that point they would contact us and let us know that something had gone wrong with the reservation.  Meaning that we would not be in the hotel that we wanted to be in.  This is after all monies had been paid.  We had planned to stay on the beach but instead we had to be moved to a hotel that was about 10 minutes away.  I generally do not partake in negative reviews but I definitely will not be utilizing Expedia again.  It may not have been Expedia's fault that there was in issue with the hotel but to tell us 30 minutes before check-in after claiming to have tried to contact us is not acceptable.

Well after we got to the hotel we decided to tidy up then go to the beach and it was amazing.  I loved it and I've said it many times but the beach is my favorite place to be during the summer.  It was absolutely amazing.  The guys played football on the beach while I relaxed, frolicked, and had a cocktail or two.  The view was breathtaking.  Then we went out to eat and partake in the festivities that night.  Yesterday we relaxed and went sightseeing.  I am definitely having fun and not looking forward to returning to work tomorrow.  Below are a few pictures that I took while on our adventure to the beach.

My swimsuit and messy hotel bed.
View on the beach
Sunset..goodnight beach.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Book Review: The Total Money Makeover

Disclaimer:  All books and/or items that I review were bought with my own money unless stated otherwise.  I am not being paid to endorse any product or service that I review.  These reviews are based off of my experience and my experience only unless otherwise stated.  So now that I have that out of the way let's get into this book.

This guy is so cool.
(My Personal Background)
After months of worrying about my financial stability, I finally decided to take action and it all began with Google.  Yep, my long-time friend with whom I've discovered many unique and interesting tidbits while exploring the outer regions of boredom.  I typed in 'financial well-being' and of course good old Suze (Suze Orman for those who just came out from under their rocks) and this other fellow Dave Ramsey popped up.  Well I've heard of his radio show (never listened, yikes!) and he seemed to know enough so I sauntered over to his website where I spent the rest of my day learning all sorts of useful information including the fact the he wrote a book...The Total Money Makeover.  Well it doesn't take much to convince me so I bought the book on Amazon (for download on Kindle).

(Actual Review & Gushing)
 Let me start out with THIS BOOK IS AWESOME!  Not only does it let you know how to gain your financial footing but it gives you a plan to do it.  There are steps, but not the normal crappy teeny baby steps that leave you feeling like you could have had a V8 instead...nope these steps (after completing of course) leave you feeling like you getting out of debt is simple and he explains that it is, but it is also uncomfortable.  You're going to have to give up old money habits and adopt new ones and by now we all know change is uncomfortable.  Nevertheless I love this book.  It includes success stories, helpful quotes, and financial advice that you can really use.  Dave Ramsey has been through what he's teaching and knows what he is talking about.  He didn't just learn a bunch of principles then spit them out at us expecting that we understand.  He went from bankruptcy to where he is now, he lived what he is teaching.  I would recommend this book to everyone.  It is awesome and I realize that I am a little late reading this book but it was worth it.  The information that he gives is absolutely still relevant and everyone should have a copy.  The Total Money Makeover is what you need if your financial situation is looking pretty bad (let's cut the crap you're in some deep mess) and you desire to reach financial security.  I plan to read his other books, listen to his radio show, and if my boss doesn't mind I'd like to spend 3-4 hours of my workday on his website (I'm joking). Thank you Mr. Ramsey.

Financial stability, not just the ability to buy nice things, is my ultimate goal and I feel as though this book is as good a place as any to start.  I will begin my makeover now and I hope that this book can inspire others like me to do the same.  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Positivity is the Key

There is no place for negativity in your life, thoughts, or spirit.  You have to willingly 'look on the bright side of everything'.  You owe this much to yourself.  Your well-being is important.  I know we like to help others but we are in no shape to help others when we aren't whole.  Positivity will get you through hard times.  You know what?  Don't even think (or if you can't help it, correct yourself) in negative terms.  Instead of 'I hope my car doesn't break down today' you should say 'I appreciate the fact that I am able to do what I need to do everyday'.   No worries, no problems.  Our mindset is often our biggest obstacle.  So why let something that you control be a detriment to you?  You don't have to... just change it.

Praying and wishing to be delivered out of a difficult situation is getting us nowhere.  You should instead be praying for the strength, wisdom, and courage to make it through that difficult situation.  Most times the only way to get over something is to go through it and that's where a lesson should be learned.  My mom used to always say the most important lessons are always the hardest to learn and often they culminate from the most difficult of situations.  So face it, life is not easy for anyone nor was it meant to be.

As I said before it will be uncomfortable and hard but with enough practice it will become something that you do without even thinking about it.  TRY IT!  What do you have to lose except for stress/mess?  Get it, got it, great.

Inhale positivity, exhale peace.

Monday, April 15, 2013