Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Review: Tomato Soap

So in my continual search of skincare products I have stumbled upon what is now my 'holy grail' item in my skincare regime.  I'm not just talking about my facial skincare regime, I'm speaking of full body skincare and it is tomato soap.  Yes, you read that correctly.....tomato soap.  

Tomatoes have high vitamin content and they are a rich source of that antioxidant nutrient, lycopene.  This is what causes tomatoes to be red.  Lycopene cuts the number of free radicals in the body thus countering the aging effects on the body.  Why wouldn't I buy it?

What's in it?
Ingredients include goat's milk, tomato leaf essential oil, tea tree essential oil, and red kaolin clay.  Each bar is anywhere from 4.5 to 5 ounces.

How can you get it?
I bought my bar from the SuppleeSoapCompany on Etsy.  (Click here)  They have other bath, body, and fragrance products for those who are interested.  They are handmade and they are made of high quality materials. I would not recommend anything that I don't trust.  

Total body skincare routine next time maybe?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Style Inspiration: Zoe Saldana

Recently Zoe Saldana has caught mine and many others attention not just for talents as an actress but also for her effortless style.  I believe that her ability to combine sexiness, effortlessness, and a sort of bohemian chic style is a large part of what makes her such an inspiration.  She knows what fits her body and dresses accordingly (or maybe that should be contributed to her stylist Petra Flannery).  Here are some of her looks....

Thank you for reading.  Hope you enjoyed.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

My Active/Prepared Life: Sorting Through Confusion

So as I drank my cup of hot water this morning (yep hot water, I'll explain later) and my 'roommate' began talking to me about duality (he does this a lot) I thought to myself 'what is he talking about it's much too early for this and why is he always so complicated'? 

Granted most things are complicated, rarely is there any thing that is clean cut.  However, how are these complications helping you achieve happiness?  As far as I can see these complications have only served as excuses and have only caused you stress.  If you realize that things are complicated, great.  Everything is not black and white, awesome.  But how is this helping you to make better decisions?  It should be helping you to make better decisions because if it is not then it's just creating mess.

If when asked why you feel a certain way you answer with it's complicated then you're confused.  I would even go further to suggest that knowing how you feel isn't what you want.  That anguish that you feel has so long been a part of your life that you don't know how feeling any other way would make you feel.  It would be uncomfortable and often painful.  So 'it's complicated' is now an excuse to remain where you are.  Unless of course you really are confused and of course no one ever wants to admit that they are confused or that they may not know (be ignorant of) especially when speaking of oneself.  If you don't know you, who does?  Deep down I believe we know ourselves; we just don't disclose or we have repressed what we know because honestly we just don't like what we know or discover.  For this we are in confusion and we can not come out until we at the very least admit what we know to ourselves.

If when asked how you feel regarding a specific topic (example: religion/politics) and you reply it's complicated then honestly honey you're confused.  Admit it.  You're confused and it's going to take a little more self-evaluation and contemplation to bring you out of that confusion.  It's okay to be confused.  I am definitely not saying that it is bad but I think that often people (including myself) are so concerned with not being seen as ignorant that we miss opportunities to acquire knowledge.  If it is knowledge that you seek then it is probably best not to try to be the most knowledgeable person in the room.  Now I will warn that if you seek knowledge you should be careful as to which knowledge you acquire and from where you acquire it.  There are agents out there that will corrupt you and your mind.  Thus you are back at square one>>>>>>>CONFUSION!!

So what does all this mean?  Sure things are complicated but when it becomes you're reasoning behind why you think, you act, and feel the way that you do then it's a result of mess/ignorance.  We all have it and the only way to rid yourself of it is to sort through it.  Complication should never be an excuse.  It should only be stated as a fact and once you know that it is a fact then you know what you have to do to clear it up.  Unless of course you are happy being complicated then by all means live and be happy.

Goal this week:  Simplify, reduce, and sort it out (in all categories).

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Be Healthy

If you're anything like me you need a plan to get most things done.  Creating a fitness routine can seem daunting because you're new to it and you want results, but where do you start?  I've put together a general full body workout that is sure to get you results.  It is called....

My No Excuses Just Results Workout

Warm-Up:  Do each for a minute.
High Knees
Run in Place
Jumping Jacks
Run 1 mile

Main Workout:  Do Each Circuit 2-3 times before moving to the next 
Circuit One:
20 Squats (weighted if advanced)
15 Squat Jumps
10 burpees

Circuit Two
20 Mountain Climbers
15 Push Ups
10 Bridges

Circuit Three
20 Lunges
15 Leg Lifts
10 Calf Raises

Core Work: Do each move for a minute
Russian Twist
Elbow Plank
Bicycle Crunches
Side Plank (each side)

Now this is just for starters, you can always customize your workout to fit your wants and needs.  I hope this helps someone who has been thinking of starting a workout plan.  Remember that in order to get results you must have consistency.  Don't get discouraged when you don't get what you expected, be encouraged and motivated to try harder. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

To Knockoff or Not to Knockoff

As I mentioned last week, I have been on a bit of a shopping spree and there's nothing better than thrift shopping.  So what better place to go than our neighborhood flee market?  The flee market is generally where I go to find unique pieces and other useful/useless trinkets. Well as I'm perusing the wares I began to notice a huge trend...knockoffs!


Knockoff - a copy or imitation of someone or something that is popular; typically at a lower price

The Dilemma
I understand that these items aren't in many of our budgets so we seek cheaper alternatives but is it necessary to purchase a fake?  Often times they aren't even believable fakes.  We all know that you can not possibly purchase a Louis Vuitton Speedy for $30.  That bag cost me about 2 months rent.  Designers work hard to come up with new innovative fashions.  They did what it took in order to create these things that many people covet so badly.  If it is so important for you to have that handbag or those shoes just save up for them or catch them on sale but please no knockoffs.  People who purchase the authentic items can spot a fake so that cheap imitation isn't impressing anyone.  Another alternative would be to purchase a bag that is a made by a relevantly lesser known label but isn't a knockoff.  The style may be similar but there is no apparent mimicking of labels.  That way you're stylish but within your budget.  I opt for these types of bags all the time.

Stay Classy
If you can't afford it don't purchase a cheap, ill-made version.  Save for it and treat yourself if you want it that badly.  That's what I did.

Knockoff vs. Real comparison courtesy of 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Style Inspiration: Lana Del Rey

Lana Lana Lana....having no idea as to who this woman was probably a detriment to my style (okay I'm being dramatic, but that's how much I admire her style).  Some people adore her and some people hate her but one things for're going to notice her.  She's so retro and bold.  Her music is equally just as trendsetting as her style.  

For a little treat I've uploaded one of my favorite songs by her.  Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.

Monday, July 15, 2013

My Active Prepared Life: I'm Back

"Today and for a lifetime discouragement will follow you and keep you company if you allow it to do so.  "

Discouragement and negativity are no strangers to any of us.  It is offered on a daily and regular basis it is up to each and every one of us to accept or reject it.  Don't quit because it seems to hard.  Don't give up because someone said it's impossible.  Don't retreat because you're scared.  If you fail you should fail trying.  

Focus on the positive, reject the negative.
Focus on my goals.
No more potty mouth. Yep, I say bad words.

Drink water all week.
Work out 5 days this week.

No more spending.

It's going to be a great week with many accomplishments.  It does not matter who told you that your dream is impossible.  Do not dwell in negativity and discouragement.  Be happy even if trouble is around the sure beats being down.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dealing with Tragedy

So this post is simply to offer some words of encouragement.  Today I received some devastating news.  After years of battling cancer my friend, Aliyah Howard, passed away.  It's always hard losing someone and this situation wasn't any easier.  She was an awesome person and being around her was always enjoyable.  She had been through a lot but she was the same unrelenting and fun person to the end.   She will be missed greatly but my memories of her will be cherished.  My prayers and thoughts go out to her family and friends as we all try to cope with this tragic loss.  

Sometimes life deals some pretty powerful blows whether it be death, poverty, or any other event and/or circumstance.  Resistance to the struggle is futile, there's no way around it you just have to go through it.  It's gonna be alright.  Allow yourself to feel however it is that you are feeling but don't dwell.  If you're angry be angry, if you're sad be sad, and if you're utterly devastated then you have every right to be.  Just go ahead and feel it then when the time is right (and trust me it's different for everyone) allow yourself time to heal.  Wounds heal slowly especially emotional wounds.  Take your time there's no rush.  People should understand and if they don't then you should evaluate your relationship with those people.  If you don't allow yourself to heal you'll never be as close to the former you that you were before (I say as close, because every tragedy changes us no matter how small it's a change and sometimes you just can't go back).  It's like breaking a bone, if that bone doesn't heal properly then you'll have some serious complications later.  So take your time....

I know that I haven't posted anything pertaining to 'My Active Prepared Life' but this week has been a very tough one for thus far.  I promise I will get back to those posts as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Review: Ageless Derma Stem Cell and Peptide Anti-Wrinkle Cream

I'm generally very skeptical when it comes to trying new products.  I feel as though I've found a routine that works and I really dislike the idea of messing that up.  However, I decided to trust Ageless Derma and try out their Stem Cell and Peptide Anti-Wrinkle Cream.  Let me just say that this stuff is amazing! I love this product and will integrate it into my skincare routine.  Granted I've only been using it for about 7 days but the difference in my skin is that remarkable.  My skin is softer and for some reason when I wake up in the morning those horrible bags are no longer making their daily appearance. I don't recall ever using a product that has blown me away that quickly.

The Ageless Derma skincare line-up came about after Dr. Mostamand and a small group of scientist gathered to find a solution for maintaining a youthful appearance.  After rigorous testing they concocted an ingenious formula that utilizes PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica.  PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica is better known as swiss apple stem cell extract and is the main ingredient in their formula.  Swiss apple stem cell extract, according to many studies, stimulates growth and supplies nutrients to initiate the rejuvenation process in human skin.
Being that I'm in my mid-twenties I do not believe that I'd be to best candidate to review a purely anti-wrinkle cream but this product is so much more than just a anti-wrinkle cream.  I can leave my house without make-up and know that I look just fine.  I haven't been able to do that in years everyone tells me how great my skin has been looking as of recent.  A coworker even asked if I was trying new makeup (I did not have any makeup on).  I apply the cream twice a day (morning and night) for maximum effectiveness.  It does retail at $65 for a 1 fl oz. jar but in my opinion it is well worth it.  Kudos to Dr. Mostamand and the wonderful people who put their time and effort into creating such a fantastic product. 

If you're still skeptical stay tuned because I plan to post progress pictures after 30 days of using this product.  

Disclaimer:  All reviews posted on this blog are results of my personal experience and all products have been tested by me.  This was a free product intended for review. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Book Review: Tuesdays With Morrie

tuesdays with Morrie

"The last class of my old professor's life took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed its pink leaves.  The class met on Tuesdays."

Mitch Albom sums it up well with the first sentence of the book.  Tuesdays with Morrie is a class, it's the most important class that any person can take.  For the last few months of Morrie Schwartz's life he received a visit every Tuesday from his faithful student Mitch Albom.  Each week they would cover a particular subject ranging from family to forgiveness and each week Morrie would provide Mitch with a little more knowledge than he had before.  They treated this time together in this 'class' as Mitch's final thesis.  It would be his final because Morrie was dying.  Morrie had ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) an incurable and  brutal disease.  Mitch had lost touch with his beloved professor but after seeing him on Nightline he began to visit him as he had promised.  This book is a a powerful account of courage and wisdom.  It's a loving and moving look at a man who as he is staring inevitable death in the eye somehow remains grateful and content with the situation.  This book is full of inspiration and I can't go too far into details because I want others to experience it for themselves.    Any summation that I type could not fully incorporate what this book does, what is teaches, or how it makes you feel.  Please if you haven't read it I urge you to go out and get a copy.  It is a classic, I just had to revisit this book. It is an oldie but a goodie as my mom used to say. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's Giveaway Time!!

There's nothing like a fresh manicure with bright cool colors.  Recently I had the extreme luck of acquiring a large amount of mini polishes from The Color Workshop so I have decided to host a small giveaway.  There is no need for me to keep the remaining polishes so I'm spreading the love.  The rules are simple and entering is even easier.  So here goes...

1.  Must be following this blog.
2.  Leave a comment below.
3.  Just joking no third requirement, I want this to be easy.

First Place Winner
Six polishes and a $20 Visa gift card to use for whatever you'd like.  I'd use it for a manicure myself.

Second Place Winner
Five polishes and a $10 Visa gift card to also use for whatever you'd like.  

Both winners will be announced on July 12, 2013.  I wish everyone the best of luck and thank you for reading.

Monday, July 1, 2013

My Active Prepared Life #2: Goals This Week

Disclaimer:  Let me start out by saying that by posting these goals I am letting everyone who reads this into my life.  I like my privacy and doing this actually makes me very uncomfortable but it is what's best because by announcing my goals to my readers I am establishing some accountability as many of you pointed out in my initial post that summarized the plan (The Active Prepared Life). Thank you for reading and coming on this journey with me. 


This week there are only four categories because after completing last weeks goals in the 'love' category.  My relationship with my significant other has improved tremendously thus leaving me feeling very secure.  So I removed that category because at the moment my love life is satisfactory.  If I begin to feel anything less than secure I'll definitely revisit that category.  Now onto this weeks goal.

1.  Meditate/Pray daily
2.  Actively think positive thoughts

1.  Work out at least 5 days this week
2.  Eat Clean

1.  Assist whenever needed
2. Ask for more responsibilities

1.  Create a budget
2.  No more spending

Friday, June 28, 2013

This Week In Retrospect: Positivity

I hope everyone had an awesome week that was productive as well as inspiring.  Here's a rundown of my week thus far:

    • Started the 'active/prepared' lifestyle
    • Spent much needed time with friends/family
    • Came back from a wonderful vacation
    • Began a new healthy lifestyle routine (more on that later)

  I chose to focus on positivity this week because even though those things that I've done sound great I still had plenty of opposition.  I had to overcome issues at work, toothaches (extreme, migraine inducing toothaches), and a slew of other family/personal issues.  However, I figured if I just keep a positive attitude and think positive thoughts then the pain will only last for a little while.  It made an extreme difference this week (I was getting beat up left and right).  We don't have to feel bad.  There is no rule that you have to feel like crap when you're having a crappy day.  You are allowed to be bubbly if it makes you feel better.  There's no need to beat yourself up if circumstances/your boss/your body/your family is already doing a good job of beating you up.

This week in My Active Prepared Life
I honestly thought that since I had a plan integrating this new system would be easy.  Boy was I wrong.  It is hard work trying to better yourself.  It's even harder to watch people (friends/family) shun you when you want to live a better life.  I foresee plenty of these goals being revisited in the weeks to come. However, I did see improvement in my overall well-being and ability to handle situations.  Meditation and prayer have helped with my anxieties.  I received many compliments at work regarding my improvements.  So far it's been tedious but worth it.  

Until next time be happy if it makes you feel good.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Active Prepared Life #1: Goals This Week

Let me start out by saying that by posting these goals I am letting everyone who reads this into my life.  I like my privacy and doing this actually makes me very uncomfortable but it is what's best because by announcing my goals to my readers I am establishing some accountability as many of you pointed out in my initial post that summarized the plan (The Active Prepared Life). Thank you for reading and coming on this journey with me. 


These are the areas in my life that I feel need the most improvement.  Each week I will set goals in these categories aimed at cultivating a more healthy and happy lifestyle for myself.  Goals and categories may be removed and also revisited.  The goal is continual improvement and the integration of this system into my lifestyle.  So here goes...

1.  Meditate/Pray for 15mins daily
2.  Actively think positive thoughts

1.  Call my boyfriend at least once a day
2.  Express concerns about relationship

1.  Work out at least 5 times a week
2.  Only drink water (green tea & protein shake are allowed)

1.  Assist wherever needed
2.  Complete tasks as they come to you

1.  Do not lend money
2.  Only purchase necessities

I chose two goals per category this week because I did not want this process to be a burden.  I think two goals should suffice until I get into this.  Once again thank you for reading.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Happenings This Weekend #2

As you all know I am currently on vacation but I am taking a little time to update you all on what has been going on while I've been on vacation.  My boyfriend and I departed for Florida on Saturday.  While the trip there was great when we got there Expedia conveniently (extreme sarcasm) decided that at that point they would contact us and let us know that something had gone wrong with the reservation.  Meaning that we would not be in the hotel that we wanted to be in.  This is after all monies had been paid.  We had planned to stay on the beach but instead we had to be moved to a hotel that was about 10 minutes away.  I generally do not partake in negative reviews but I definitely will not be utilizing Expedia again.  It may not have been Expedia's fault that there was in issue with the hotel but to tell us 30 minutes before check-in after claiming to have tried to contact us is not acceptable.

Well after we got to the hotel we decided to tidy up then go to the beach and it was amazing.  I loved it and I've said it many times but the beach is my favorite place to be during the summer.  It was absolutely amazing.  The guys played football on the beach while I relaxed, frolicked, and had a cocktail or two.  The view was breathtaking.  Then we went out to eat and partake in the festivities that night.  Yesterday we relaxed and went sightseeing.  I am definitely having fun and not looking forward to returning to work tomorrow.  Below are a few pictures that I took while on our adventure to the beach.

My swimsuit and messy hotel bed.
View on the beach
Sunset..goodnight beach.

Friday, June 21, 2013

This Week In Retrospect: Adventure on the Horizon

As I stated in my post welcoming the summer season (It's Almost Here...) I will be going on vacation for a couple of days but don't worry I'll be sure to document every fun thing that I do and everything that I experience.  This week has definitely been very exciting and equally strenuous.  I've come upon a few new endeavors and I'm definitely finding my footing as it pertains to my career/blogging/relationships.  Here's what I've learned this week thus far:

  • Making time for those you love keeps you grounded and sane.
  • Sometimes you just have to step back and let things run their course.  Have faith.
  • Hard work pays off. even if it isn't immediately, something great is just around the corner.
  • When things are not adding up, you should try subtracting. 
  • No more comparisons to others and their situations, I am my own biggest competition.
  • I still like Vine more than Instagram video. I'm real I don't need a filter. J/K

So with that being said this Summer seems very promising.  I hope you all have a great first day of summer and an even better weekend.  Hopefully, I'll get to film and upload some video of this vacation.  Hasta luego, amigos.  

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Active Prepared Life

I am a firm believer in the process of continual improvement but it can be a little confusing when it's time to take action.  Where do you start?  How long should you give yourself?  When do you know that you've reached your goal?  The questions are limitless and so are  the answers depending on who you ask.  However, I have found a system that I find very intriguing and promising.  It is called The Active Prepared Life and I read all about it at Moments of Style by Patricia Bright.  Her blog is amazing and so are her YouTube videos (found here).  So here is a rundown of this journey I will be embarking on. 

What is The Active Prepared Life?
Basically there are two factors in achievement, one being 'Preparation' and the other having an 'Active' approach.  It's simple. To achieve success you must be as prepared and as active as possible.

Be Active
Say for instance you have a job, like myself, and you would really like a promotion.  Well sitting at your desk waiting for it just isn't going to cut it.  You have to work for that promotion.  Mediocre effort will only get you mediocre results.

Be Prepared
Well would you set out on a journey without a map.  We're trying to achieve goals here not set them then see where life takes us.  The 'Prepared' element is a plan for how you are going to be active.  You need this plan so that you won't become confused. 

It's simple take action but make a plan (prepared) before you do.  I plan to use this model over the next couple of months/years and I plan to take you all along with me.  Each week I will post a different set of goals in categories (e.g. Life/General, Career, Finance, etc.).  At the end of the week (included in my 'This Week in Retrospect post) I will post a entry documenting how my week went using this model.    I hope you enjoy.

June 24, 2013
The Active Prepared Life 1:  Goals for This Week 

Thanks you for reading. Oh and check out Patricia's blog, Moments of Style.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It's Almost Here...

What's almost here you say?  Well Summer of course.  June 21 marks to first day of Summer and I could not be more excited.   I know I say this all the time but the summer season is definitely my favorite of the four seasons.  This summer is going to be spectacular.  I have made up my mind to try new things and get out a little more.

  • Take a vacation.  My summer is riddled with vacations and mini-vacations.  I am marking the first day of the summer season with a trip to Florida with my significant other.  I don't care if the vacation is in Mexico, in your backyard, or downtown to the local market.  Just get out relax and have fun.
  • Get on the grill.  Nothing says summer like a good old fashioned cook out.  Even if there are only 4 people in attendance.  Break out the charcoal and fire that grill up.  Oh and send me an invitation.
  • Read a book or two.  Just as I posted in my Poolside Classic Reading post I plan on getting a lot of reading in.  It helps me to relax. Anything from thrillers to children's books to romance novels is good in my eyes. 
  • Try a new look.  I plan to incorporate bright colors and plenty of shorts.  If you know me then you know that this is completely out of my comfort zone.  Wear what you want and be confident doing it. 
  • Protect yourself.  If I have to say it in every post I promise I will.  Please pretty please wear sunscreen. I don't care what color you are, what ethnicity you are, or what you may be accustomed to doing you need to wear sunscreen.  
  • Shop the farmers market.  Yep it is probably one of my favorite places outside of the beach.  Fresh produce, busy setting, and some of the best desserts ever.  Plus you're supporting local farmers. 
  • Take a class.  A ballet class, an art class, or maybe even a swimming lesson.  Keep your mind busy.  
  • Spend time with others.  Nope not just a message on Facebook, I mean genuine face to face interaction.  It is amazing how technology has linked us to places that we could only dream of but has made us so distant in regards people that live 5 minutes away.  A text will not suffice, lets take some time to get to know one  another.
I'll keep everyone updated on my adventures and I hope everyone has a great summer or at least great plans.  What are some of the things you all are doing this summer?  Drop me a line I would love to know.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Refreshing Story

This is a very inspiring article that came across my Tumblr dashboard about a shop owner in India who is teaching local children under a bridge.  It is so refreshing to see that there are people who want to learn against all odds.  I have shared it on every social network that I am on and I would like to bolster as much support for these adults and children who value something that so many take for granted.  The link to the article is below.

These types of people need our support regardless as to where they are from.

Friday, June 14, 2013

This Week In Retrospect: Pulling it All Together

So this week (like every other week) had it's ups and downs.  Some things didn't go as planned while others went so smoothly you would have thought it took months to plan.  However, this week did let me see just how focused I am in accomplishing the goals that I have set for myself.

Here are a few goals (some short-term) that I have set for myself that I hope to will accomplish

  • Move into my own place (by myself)
  • Blog on a regular basis
  • Amass a substantial emergency savings
  • Earn my certification in Spanish
  • Exercise on a regular basis
  • Pay off debt...ALL OF IT!
It may not seem like a lot but these are just the big ones.  There are plenty of other things to accomplish as well.  This week my main focus has been organizing everything so that accomplishing these goals happens with as little stress as possible.  Well we all know that nothing comes without obstacles but the point is to not become overwhelmed with what I do have planned and the obstacles when they come my way.  There is a lot of tedious work in becoming successful and living a fulfilling life.  This weekend I urge everyone to look at their goals, focus on the steps it takes to accomplish them, and go after them  with everything in your arsenal.