Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday Inspiration

Thinking of a master plan?
I haven't posted in a quite a while and a lot of that has to do with what I've been going through lately.  In the time that I've been absent from the blogging scene I've been through so much and I finally feel like I'm getting back to being happy...not that mask that I put on every day for the public but honestly and truly happy.   Life is funny (sometimes in the way that's not literally funny).  The best way that I can describe what I've gone through in the past 6 months is like being a beginner swimmer and a strong current sweeps you out into the ocean where there is no land in sight.  You can't gain any footing and wave after wave is crashing into you and you have no idea if they're pushing you out further or if you're getting closer to land.  What's worse is that no one notices.  Scary right?  That was me and I'm sure I'm not the only person in history that's been through something similar so enough of the talk and let's get to how I got out of it.  Actually, it's more like how I got through it.

1.  Realize no one is coming to save you.  As cynical as it may sound it's true in most situations.  I'm not saying that no one will help I am simply saying that you have to work for it and you have to want it.  As John Heywood said, 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink'.  Plenty of people tried to help but I had to want it.

2.  Be aware of yourself.  We all want to be number one but there comes a time where you have to realize that you can't be number one at everything.  We're told that we can be anything we want to be. We should have also been told we can't be everything.  Admit what you're bad at and then focus on what you're good at.  Don't waste your time doing something that you aren't good at.  Don't bullsh*t yourself.

And finally the best advice I received from a friend (and back to the swimming comparison)...

3.  Stop swimming against the current.  What?! What my friend meant is that you're wasting your time.  You're tiring yourself out and getting nowhere.  Eventually you are going to drown so stop.  The mission is not to get out of the situation, the mission is to deal with it, learn from it, and use what you learned when that current gets you to where you are going.

Everything that you go through isn't happening for nothing.  And yes it all does seem to happen at once but why not get all these lessons in at once?  I learned a lot about myself and abilities in the last 6 months.  I'm still learning.  So when you feel like you're at the end of your rope hang on and focus.  You don't win some and lose some. You win some and learn some, but should you not learn your lesson bet on the fact that you will repeat.  I know my post won't save the world but I hope that it at least helps one person that's struggling.  Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Positivity is the Key

There is no place for negativity in your life, thoughts, or spirit.  You have to willingly 'look on the bright side of everything'.  You owe this much to yourself.  Your well-being is important.  I know we like to help others but we are in no shape to help others when we aren't whole.  Positivity will get you through hard times.  You know what?  Don't even think (or if you can't help it, correct yourself) in negative terms.  Instead of 'I hope my car doesn't break down today' you should say 'I appreciate the fact that I am able to do what I need to do everyday'.   No worries, no problems.  Our mindset is often our biggest obstacle.  So why let something that you control be a detriment to you?  You don't have to... just change it.

Praying and wishing to be delivered out of a difficult situation is getting us nowhere.  You should instead be praying for the strength, wisdom, and courage to make it through that difficult situation.  Most times the only way to get over something is to go through it and that's where a lesson should be learned.  My mom used to always say the most important lessons are always the hardest to learn and often they culminate from the most difficult of situations.  So face it, life is not easy for anyone nor was it meant to be.

As I said before it will be uncomfortable and hard but with enough practice it will become something that you do without even thinking about it.  TRY IT!  What do you have to lose except for stress/mess?  Get it, got it, great.

Inhale positivity, exhale peace.