Friday, June 21, 2013

Flower Power

Made this today at work when I had some down time.  I drawed it (as the kids say) with my own hands.  Well actually I created it in Paint but it's all the same.  Wow, that is what boredom does to the mind.  Well I like to call this piece Flower Power.  Everyone enjoy the rest of your day. 

This Week In Retrospect: Adventure on the Horizon

As I stated in my post welcoming the summer season (It's Almost Here...) I will be going on vacation for a couple of days but don't worry I'll be sure to document every fun thing that I do and everything that I experience.  This week has definitely been very exciting and equally strenuous.  I've come upon a few new endeavors and I'm definitely finding my footing as it pertains to my career/blogging/relationships.  Here's what I've learned this week thus far:

  • Making time for those you love keeps you grounded and sane.
  • Sometimes you just have to step back and let things run their course.  Have faith.
  • Hard work pays off. even if it isn't immediately, something great is just around the corner.
  • When things are not adding up, you should try subtracting. 
  • No more comparisons to others and their situations, I am my own biggest competition.
  • I still like Vine more than Instagram video. I'm real I don't need a filter. J/K

So with that being said this Summer seems very promising.  I hope you all have a great first day of summer and an even better weekend.  Hopefully, I'll get to film and upload some video of this vacation.  Hasta luego, amigos.  

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Active Prepared Life

I am a firm believer in the process of continual improvement but it can be a little confusing when it's time to take action.  Where do you start?  How long should you give yourself?  When do you know that you've reached your goal?  The questions are limitless and so are  the answers depending on who you ask.  However, I have found a system that I find very intriguing and promising.  It is called The Active Prepared Life and I read all about it at Moments of Style by Patricia Bright.  Her blog is amazing and so are her YouTube videos (found here).  So here is a rundown of this journey I will be embarking on. 

What is The Active Prepared Life?
Basically there are two factors in achievement, one being 'Preparation' and the other having an 'Active' approach.  It's simple. To achieve success you must be as prepared and as active as possible.

Be Active
Say for instance you have a job, like myself, and you would really like a promotion.  Well sitting at your desk waiting for it just isn't going to cut it.  You have to work for that promotion.  Mediocre effort will only get you mediocre results.

Be Prepared
Well would you set out on a journey without a map.  We're trying to achieve goals here not set them then see where life takes us.  The 'Prepared' element is a plan for how you are going to be active.  You need this plan so that you won't become confused. 

It's simple take action but make a plan (prepared) before you do.  I plan to use this model over the next couple of months/years and I plan to take you all along with me.  Each week I will post a different set of goals in categories (e.g. Life/General, Career, Finance, etc.).  At the end of the week (included in my 'This Week in Retrospect post) I will post a entry documenting how my week went using this model.    I hope you enjoy.

June 24, 2013
The Active Prepared Life 1:  Goals for This Week 

Thanks you for reading. Oh and check out Patricia's blog, Moments of Style.