Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Countdown to Friday

Countdown to Friday

American tank
$7.83 -

Titanium wrap watch

Ray ban

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

E-Mail Etiquette

Day to day we are afforded the luxury of many means of communication.  For myself, the most common means of communication (at my job) is e-mail.  Oh, electronic mail how I loathe and love thee all in one instance.   Recently in my workplace I've noticed that e-mail is replacing good old fashioned phone conversation.  Everyday I communicate with clients via e-mail and it never ceases to amaze me how many people throw etiquette to the wind when communicating via e-mail.  So today I decided to share my top 10 rules for e-mail etiquette.

1.   Spell check 
Quite frankly no one is going to take you seriously if your e-mails have typos.  It's one button and probably 3 minute worth of review.  Give your words the respect that they deserve by spelling them correctly. 

2.  Know your point of contact
I can't tell you how many e-mails I get on a regular basis detailing matters that should be addressed to our CEO.  Sending the e-mail to the correct person is the first part but also know your audience.  Please address your contact with the appropriate level of formality.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Book Review: The Total Money Makeover

Disclaimer:  All books and/or items that I review were bought with my own money unless stated otherwise.  I am not being paid to endorse any product or service that I review.  These reviews are based off of my experience and my experience only unless otherwise stated.  So now that I have that out of the way let's get into this book.

This guy is so cool.
(My Personal Background)
After months of worrying about my financial stability, I finally decided to take action and it all began with Google.  Yep, my long-time friend with whom I've discovered many unique and interesting tidbits while exploring the outer regions of boredom.  I typed in 'financial well-being' and of course good old Suze (Suze Orman for those who just came out from under their rocks) and this other fellow Dave Ramsey popped up.  Well I've heard of his radio show (never listened, yikes!) and he seemed to know enough so I sauntered over to his website where I spent the rest of my day learning all sorts of useful information including the fact the he wrote a book...The Total Money Makeover.  Well it doesn't take much to convince me so I bought the book on Amazon (for download on Kindle).

(Actual Review & Gushing)
 Let me start out with THIS BOOK IS AWESOME!  Not only does it let you know how to gain your financial footing but it gives you a plan to do it.  There are steps, but not the normal crappy teeny baby steps that leave you feeling like you could have had a V8 instead...nope these steps (after completing of course) leave you feeling like you getting out of debt is simple and he explains that it is, but it is also uncomfortable.  You're going to have to give up old money habits and adopt new ones and by now we all know change is uncomfortable.  Nevertheless I love this book.  It includes success stories, helpful quotes, and financial advice that you can really use.  Dave Ramsey has been through what he's teaching and knows what he is talking about.  He didn't just learn a bunch of principles then spit them out at us expecting that we understand.  He went from bankruptcy to where he is now, he lived what he is teaching.  I would recommend this book to everyone.  It is awesome and I realize that I am a little late reading this book but it was worth it.  The information that he gives is absolutely still relevant and everyone should have a copy.  The Total Money Makeover is what you need if your financial situation is looking pretty bad (let's cut the crap you're in some deep mess) and you desire to reach financial security.  I plan to read his other books, listen to his radio show, and if my boss doesn't mind I'd like to spend 3-4 hours of my workday on his website (I'm joking). Thank you Mr. Ramsey.

Financial stability, not just the ability to buy nice things, is my ultimate goal and I feel as though this book is as good a place as any to start.  I will begin my makeover now and I hope that this book can inspire others like me to do the same.  Thanks for reading!

Friday, May 24, 2013

5 Pieces of Advice

Throughout life we have the fortunate circumstance to come across those people who offer you inspiration that becomes etched in our minds.  That inspiration often comes in the form of advice.  Whether it be a story, a scenario, or their actions they all offer a lesson.   Out of all of the advice that I've received thus far in life there are few that stand out.  Today I decided to share five bits of advice and the people who gave them  that have helped me through life (thus far) in general.

1.  Knowledge is powerful but be careful as to where you acquire knowledge.
-Deb (that's my mom)
A very powerful message because, yes you may know a lot, but how many of those things are actually  void of deceit.  There are entities out there whose main goal is to deceive as many as they can so you really have to evaluate not only what you found but also where you found it.  The origin of knowledge plays a bigger role in it's truth than most people give it credit for.

2.  Know the difference between being productive and being busy.
 You may have numerous items on your agenda but how many of them are actually propelling you towards your goals?  In today's society we equate being busy with being important but if you're not accomplishing anything then it's not relevant.

3.  State the facts but always tell the truth.
If you are a genuine person then why wouldn't the things you say be genuine.  Your words are of utmost importance, aside from your actions, which are what others base you credibility, reliability, and integrity off of so don't blow it by telling people what they want to hear.  Do not compromise your values for the sake of someones feelings.  They came to you for the truth.

4.  Life is equally unfair for us all.
Guess what?  You can't win them all and that's life.  Does it make it any less painful?  Nope, but it's the truth.  So why is this a piece of advice?  Simply because complaining about it's unfairness is going to get you nowhere but seeking a solution will.  If you know that life is unfair then you might spend less time complaining about it and more time doing something about your situation.

5.  Be careful, but if not then go all in.
Okay the actual quote went... 'Be careful but if not then f*ck it'.  My friends always have a way of putting things.  His point was that if it's something that you really truly deeply believe in then by all means put your best effort behind it.  He wanted me to be careful but he also wanted me to pursue my dreams.  His theory was that if it's worth it go after it, but in the event that you fail then it was worth the ride (and it had better been one hell of a ride).

Well folks that's it, valuable (or what I consider valuable) advice from great minds.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Positivity is the Key

There is no place for negativity in your life, thoughts, or spirit.  You have to willingly 'look on the bright side of everything'.  You owe this much to yourself.  Your well-being is important.  I know we like to help others but we are in no shape to help others when we aren't whole.  Positivity will get you through hard times.  You know what?  Don't even think (or if you can't help it, correct yourself) in negative terms.  Instead of 'I hope my car doesn't break down today' you should say 'I appreciate the fact that I am able to do what I need to do everyday'.   No worries, no problems.  Our mindset is often our biggest obstacle.  So why let something that you control be a detriment to you?  You don't have to... just change it.

Praying and wishing to be delivered out of a difficult situation is getting us nowhere.  You should instead be praying for the strength, wisdom, and courage to make it through that difficult situation.  Most times the only way to get over something is to go through it and that's where a lesson should be learned.  My mom used to always say the most important lessons are always the hardest to learn and often they culminate from the most difficult of situations.  So face it, life is not easy for anyone nor was it meant to be.

As I said before it will be uncomfortable and hard but with enough practice it will become something that you do without even thinking about it.  TRY IT!  What do you have to lose except for stress/mess?  Get it, got it, great.

Inhale positivity, exhale peace.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Inspiration #2

I love the idea of inspiration on Mondays. It's the beginning of the week and it feels like a fresh new start.  So why not start the week out happy, fulfilled, and with a little bit of inspiration?

I hope that everyone has a productive a joyous day. 

-Until next time

Friday, May 3, 2013

Advice: Entering The Workforce

It can be very scary entering the workforce especially if you are entering your desired career field.  It seems like you've spent so much time preparing yourself only to sit up the night before thinking 'I'm so not ready for this' or 'what if I mess up'.  Well you can always Google advice for young (or even whatever age) professionals entering the workforce which I would suggest that you try or you could continue reading my unconventional advice for those entering the workforce.

1.  Be quiet and listen
If you're trying to gain knowledge, which you are, it is probably best that you don't attempt to look like the smartest person in the room.  You're new soak it in, you currently have a front row seat to view how that particular organization works don't run your mouth so much that you miss the show.

2.  Do not isolate yourself with people who are like you
I know we did it in college even though we claimed that we were diversifying ourselves *queue dramatic music* but we didn't (shocked face) and it wasn't wrong, we just like people that we share common interests with.  However, make your rounds, communicate with someone older/younger, sit with a different group everyday at lunch for a week.

 3.  Your personal life IS separate from your professional life
I know sharing personal information is a part of bonding (I majored in Communication) but not at work.  They should not know about your 'shamtastic' roommate, your crazy ex, or your weekend outings.  It's so tempting but you're still new and you don't know these people.  Be safe and do not disclose personal information unless it directly affects your job.

4.  Do what you said that you would do
If you take on a project and agree to have it done by the close of business then you better make sure it's done by the close of business.  It shows that you are reliable and consistent.  You get the job done and that's what employers want to see.

5.  Ask for help and take notes
It's okay to ask for help but if you do please make sure to take notes.  At my job we get interns who ask the same question everyday because they did not take notes (either mentally or physically)....that's bad.  It makes you look incompetent but only when you ask the SAME question repeatedly.

6.  You're gonna make mistakes
Now learn the lesson and get over it.  The only time mistakes become a problem is when there is no lesson learned.  If no lesson is learned then chances are the mistake is going to be repeated and you are going to come off as problematic.

7.  Stand your ground
This is when your coworkers are developing their opinions of you.  So if you know (not assume) that someone is belittling you or disrespecting you it's probably best to comfort them calmly.  If you falter when this happens that person and anyone else viewing the situation (and people are watching) will view you as weak.  Don't let that become a characteristic that you have to reverse.  Workplace bullying or hazing happens and it will probably happen to you but don't let that scare you off into a corner.

8.  Everyone is just as nervous as you
Yes, you're new and everyone else has been there for however long and they may know more about the company but you represent something scary and that is change.  You're new, you have new ideas, you think outside of the box that they have grown accustomed to thinking in, and you are in their minds the future of the workforce.  You may feel inexperienced but that inexperience allows you to think more freely and find innovative solutions that they can not see.  Your lack of experience is the cause of anxiety for everyone involved.

9.  This is a job and not a picnic.
You did not enter the workforce to make friends, it is one of the many upsides as you'll see later in your career but for those that are just starting out please do not make this your main goal.  If you're worried about making friends join a club or some sort of social group.  You'll make friends later but for now you're there to work.

10.  Thank those that help you.
Remember that with the help of those people your struggle to find your footing could have been a lot worse.  A little gratitude goes a long way.  When people feel appreciated they are more likely to help you out again.

Don't get me wrong, your first day and many others after that will still be filled with anxiety but hopefully these tips will ease that anxiety a tad bit.  It is scary beginning your career or even a new job but now you have guidelines on how to conduct yourself.  You can't control what happens but at least you can adapt.  Get out there, walk in the confidence, learn something, but for right now get some rest.  You have a big day ahead of you.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

This Week In Retrospect: Time to Relax

Sorry everyone I know I haven't posted in a couple of days but it's simply because I been super busy with work, preparing to move, going to school, and life in general.  I have recently started a new workout regime and it's definitely a killer.  It definitely takes time and dedication to live a healthy lifestyle.  No wonder everyone is so unhealthy.  In between work and the gym all I want to do is sleep.  I'll update everyone on that later.  I've definitely been way too stressed.  This week has been one to remember or maybe even one that I'd like to forget.

So what exactly have I learned and witnessed this week.

  1. Living a healthy lifestyle is harder than it seems.  Willpower and support from others come in at an all-time low when you're trying to better yourself.  
  2. Balancing life is also tricky but it is necessary.
  3. Getting enough sleep is very important.  I was late to a few appointments because I got a little too friendly with the snooze button.
  4. Never underestimate the power of effective time and financial management.
Okay so this week wasn't full of thought provoking revelations.  I was so busy.  I'm going to work on a schedule that will allow me to maximize my efficiency throughout the day.  Well, this weekend I had time to relax with family and friends. 

Until Next Time...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Words To Live By

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails, Explore. Dream. Discover. 
 - Mark Twain

It's taken me long enough to write this simply because it took a lot of thought and there were times where what I wanted to say could not be put into words.  Change is daunting no matter how small.  Change provokes a fear in most that can be so destructive that it prevents us from taking a chance that may lead us to a better place or a better way of living.

Today, I just wanted to offer reassurance to those that are attempting to make a change in their lives.  It can be anything...moving, changing careers, or something as simple as adopting a pet.  Lately, I have found myself attempting to make a much desired change in my life and even though it's not the first time it just seems to come with so many more risks this time around.  However, no matter how daunting I'm determined to make this change and I'd like to share with you some inspiration that has proven to be very good advice.  Hopefully this advice will help to make us more confident when striving to achieve our goals and make that change. 

1.  Fear should motivate you.
Fear does not always have to be a detriment to accomplishing goals.  Listen to that fear that you feel.  Often it's an indicator that you're doing something right.  To not feel fear/anxiety/desperation would mean that we did not wish for that change to work out.  Trust yourself and work through your feelings. 

2.  Eliminate Adverse Commitments
Look at your list of things to do.  Now eliminate the ones that directly interfere with what you want to accomplish.  A bit ruthless...yes because you did agree to those tasks but that was before you realized that living the best possible life was the most important task on your list.  Sure you're going to disappoint people but that's fine because life is full of disappointments.  Buildings will not burn and children will not die.  You have to live for yourself and you have to live with the decisions that you make.  There are only so many hours in the day.  Respect yourself and your needs enough to say "I appreciate the opportunity but no thank you" and please let it be final.  

3.  Respect life and death.
Death is the final act in life.  It's a tedious act that takes years to accomplish so let that process be your motivator.  Understand and accept that we will not live forever.  Thus, we have no idea how long we will have to live out our dreams.  Accept that and use it to motivate you to begin living out your dreams today.  We've seen lives cut short so we know that it may happen to anyone.

4.  Ignore the negativity.
There is no doubt in my mind (and there should be none in yours) that you will face opposition once you decide to make this change.  There may even be laughter if things don't work out the way that you expected but ignore that.  If any of the things that people say were true they would have been said before you took the chance.    Place yourself around people who will encourage you.  The naysayers will never know the growth, the pleasure, or the euphoria that results from you accomplishing your goals.  

5.  Surround yourself with people that inspire and encourage you.
These people are people who you respect, admire, and attain satisfaction from simply being around.  You should put yourself around people that are living in a way that you view as a model.  These are the people that when you approached them with your idea they thought of ways to help you.  They will give you honest opinions and feedback when it is needed.   These are the type of people that are integral in you reaching your goals.

6.  Stop Comparing
You are the only person like you.  Sure there are people who may resemble you but you are one of a kind.  It simply is not fair to compare yourself to someone else.  The means by which they live are acceptable to them and even though you may like what appears to be grand it frankly is not your life. We each have a different set of talents, experiences, and gifts that by no means makes us inferior or superior to another person on this earth.  

7.  Banish the Self-Doubt
You have all these other negative entities trying to stop you so why add to your own pool of sorrows?  If you were not good enough to accomplish what you set forth to accomplish then you would or should have never thought of it.  If you want it go get it.  Holding yourself back with thoughts is just absurd.  If you knew how powerful your thoughts were you'd never think a negative thought again.  

Change in life is inevitable but initiating change can be crippling for some.  No matter how small, any change that may change your life for the better is worth pursuing.  Living the life that you dream of is living life to the fullest.  Never be ashamed or deterred from your pursuit.  Live courageously and by doing so you will be closer to reaching your full potential.  


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Communicating Effectively

Last night while reflecting on my day with a friend, I found a recurring situation quite displeasing.  It became apparent to me that the fine art of verbal communication in a public setting eludes quite a few people.  I'm no expert but I did major in both Business Administration and Communication Studies.  So while drinking my tea and discussing the issue with my friend I compiled a list of tips that everyone should keep in mind when socializing with those who are less familiar with your mannerisms.

Be Knowledgeable
I could not possibly stress how important it is to know what you are talking about.  Unfiltered ignorant commentary on any subject will get you nowhere in any social arena.  It may get you some attention, but not the sort of attention that anyone seeks.  Please educate yourself and if by some chance you find yourself involved in a conversation that focuses on matters that you have no knowledge about please be quiet and listen.  You could possibly learn something.

Be Confident
What you have to say is important.  So say it with the confidence that it deserves.  Oh and for the love of all that is glorious left in this world please leave the inconsistent language in your childhood.  Every other word/sound should not be a 'like' or 'um', it is decreasing your credibility.  Also, never ever after this point should you precede any statement with 'I may be wrong' or anything comparable.  You know what you're saying so say it without the disclaimer.  If you are wrong then God bless the soul that provides you with the knowledge that you are about to receive.

Be Concise & Clear
Your words deserve a clear and concise medium in which to reach the masses (or the 2 or 3 people listening).  Please pronounce and enunciate clearly.  For a few it's as simple as slowing down and focusing when you speak.  A personal tip:  Open your mouth more when you speak, literally.  It almost forces you to pronounce each syllable.  This is a little harder to perfect but practice get a lot closer to perfection than wishing does.

Be Courageous, Honest, and Tactful
You are brilliant and what you have to say deserves to be heard.  Just remember to say it in a tactful manner.  If you can't say it without obscenities or yelling then it should not be said until you can convey your thoughts without inspiring a physical or verbal altercation.

Your goal is to be honest and tactful in voicing your thoughts, because sometimes it takes courage to speak up.  So don't let what you have to say be upstaged by ignorance, obscenities, or inconsistencies.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Healthy Social Circle

"A true friend sees the good in everything, and brings out the best in the worst of things"
Sasha Azevedo 

About two weeks ago I went to lunch with an acquaintance who I hadn't seen in a while until  she contacted me this past month to set up a lunch date.  I was a little suspicious initially because her reasoning behind the invite was to get clarification.  Basically, she wanted to know why we were no longer friends.  The situation/friendship itself was toxic to say the least so when it came to me cleansing myself and surroundings of negative entities (something I'll discuss later as it's vital to a balanced life)  all unhealthy relationships had to go also.

"Misery loves company."
John Ray

Your mental, physical, spiritual, and social health is of utmost importance.  Cleansing your social circle and cultivating a healthy circle of friends is necessary if you want to obtain a balanced life.  If your friends are negative and disrespectful then it's going to affect you either directly or indirectly.  Others who are looking at you will ultimately believe that you are also negative and disrespectful.  You have to separate yourself from those types of people.  If getting you involved with their most recent bout of drama is their primary goal in every conversation then you have to assess if they're friends that are worth keeping.  Your interactions with those around you (especially friends) should leave you with an uplifting feeling.  If a relationship does not give you the support that you need then you should consider distancing yourself from those people and those types of situations.  People who are miserable are comparable to crabs they will grab onto you and try to pull you down with them. 
"Inhale peace, exhale excellence"

When we take in positive energy we do more good for ourselves and others.  This is what I had to explain to my friend at lunch.  Her issues and the way she handled them were what made me decide to distance myself and end communication with her.   We all have problems and issues that may arise but generally when they come about we look for ways to fix them.  However, some people only use those problems and issues to add to their already abundant cluster of mess.  Drama is entertaining to them.  They need that in order to feel as though they are living fulfilling lives.  It's awful and twisted because no matter what advice or how many solutions you give them they will only find something murkier and more damaging to submerge themselves in.  You would be wasting your energy, time, and intelligence on people who never had any intentions on getting better.  In essence, you would only be depleting yourself.  That is energy that could be put into accomplishing something that is actually attainable.  Don't kill yourself trying to help those who don't want to be helped.


Letting go is hard and it's uncomfortable.  No one wants to be told that they did not make the cut.  I know some people who I distanced myself from that are now my enemies.  Though I think that if one of my friends told me that our relationship was unhealthy I would be upset at first but ultimately that threat of losing a friend would trigger some self evaluation.  The friends that I have are people that I truly care about so I will do some soul searching to see if what I do or how I behave as it pertains to our relationship is actually detrimental.  If it is then some change needs to happen and if not then we can both go our separate ways and just know that we were headed down two different avenues.  Friendships should never leave you feeling empty.    

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Always Look Your Best

"I don't mind making jokes, but I don't want to look like one."
Marilyn Monroe

It's always an awkward situation when I'm questioned about my tendency to 'fix' myself up before leaving my house.  Leaving my home looking like I had no idea that I'd be going out in public today is simply not something that I'm willing to do.  You should feel comfortable when others see you.  We all know that it can nerve-racking when you see someone and your only thought is 'why couldn't I have worn something else/brushed my hair/or look like her'.   I understand that life is hectic and what you planned isn't always what occurs but even the slightest bit of tweaking makes a difference and can ease your nerves.  

"There are no ugly women, just lazy ones."
Helena Rubinstein

Why not work to put your best foot forward?  Looking your best or at least presentable takes a little work but it pays off.  You'll feel better about yourself and people will want to be around you because chances are if you feel good you'll be in a better mood.  You just have to take the time out of your schedule to do it.  It gets easier as you progress.

So where exactly should you begin?  Well, here are a few tips.
  • Plan your outfits in advance.
  • Groom yourself.  This means wash your face and comb your hair.
  • Invest in basic makeup. You know powder, mascara, lipstick, maybe even eyeliner.
  • Pay attention to details.  Clean your nails, moisturize your skin, and please wash/iron your clothes.
  • Shop quality not quantity.  
  • Keep it simple.  Chances are if you think it might be too much it probably is.  
  • Be prepared.  Keep things like lotion, lip balm, mascara, & one go-to lip color on you or somewhere easily accessible.
  • Know what looks good on you.  If you're not sure ask for an honest opinion. 

It doesn't have to be hard and it's not costly, trust me.  I clearly don't make as much as I'd like to make but I don't have to look it.  Take some pride in the way that you look.  You're gorgeous and absolutely fabulous, so display that.  

Monday, April 15, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Balance, Happiness, and Confidence

'My life is a place of balance, happiness, and confidence.'

Life for most part is confusing and things happen that cause you to doubt yourself and those around you.  Some doubt is okay because it allows you to assess yourself, your situation, and the people you associate with.  That assessment is often a catalyst for change that can push you towards becoming a better person.  However, constant doubt is in no way healthy or needed.  It contributes to disruptive and harmful behavior that may damage you and your relationships.  Our 'nonbelief' or constant doubt of our abilities will only cause us to fulfill what we believe thus furthering our disappointment and digging us deeper into self doubt.  

So how exactly do we combat those negative beliefs, those persistent nagging thoughts of self doubt?

I choose to employ positive affirmations.  I start my day out with positive affirmations whether they're simple or complex (for those days that seem unbearable).  There's truth to the statement 'it's never as bad as it seems'.  Situations seem terrible because of how we view them.  Change your view and you ultimately change the situation and how you feel about it.  Positive affirmations help you to develop a positive outlook for every situation.  So every morning I try to start my day with a positive affirmation.  I say it out loud because to me it's a little more real that way.  Sure it may be childish whimsy but once you say it out loud it's just that much closer to being tangible.  

In case you're having some trouble coming up with affirmations of your own I've listed a few of my favorites for you.

  1. I have no reason to doubt myself or my abilities.  I am a child of God and doubt does not belong where He is.  Where I am, He is.
  2. Everything I need is right where I am, I just have to recognize it.
  3. I am more than capable of accomplishing what I set out to do today.
  4. In love, I deserve the best and I will not settle for anything less. Nor will I give anyone anything less than what I feel I deserve.
  5. I know that today will be a great day because if I think it I can feel it and if I feel it then it must be real.
Oh and my personal favorite:
I will put on my big girl panties (or big boy britches) and deal with whatever comes my way!

Our own doubt and disbelief in ourselves, our abilities, and relationships contribute to our failure.  Don't get in your own way.  Wake up every morning (every afternoon...whenever) and remind yourself of how great you are, how great you can be, and how your dreams can come true.  Hey, maybe our affirmation for today should be 'today is the day our dreams will come true.'

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