Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Falling For Fall

We are in the last days of Summer and I am finally accepting that fact.  Summer is my favorite season and I hate to see it go but with the fall season comes....fall fashion and beauty.  I love switching my fashion and beauty routine, now that is one thing that I can appreciate.  So without further ado here are the fall beauty trends that I am dying to try.

1.  Va-Va Volume
Yep, you heard right.  The same hairstyles that I dreaded when I was younger are now trending.  Middle parts, huge curls, and big waves are back in.  The bigger the hair the better (even the ponytails are big).  

2.  Bold Nails
This fall season says goodbye to neutrals and hello to bold.  No matter if it's dark, bright, metallic or glittery just make sure it's eye-catching.  

3.  Cat-Eye Makeup
To be honest some runway makeup looks are much too theatrical and whimisical for everyday wear.  However, this is on look that can be worn without odd looks from onlookers.  

4.  Matte Skin
During the warmer seasons we all want that dewy glow.  Well, kiss that goodbye because matte is now in. Take out the powder ladies velvety smooth isn't just for pin ups anymore.

5.  Textured Lips
This season isn't so much about colors as it is about texture.  From flat matte to extreme gloss it seems that just about any color will do just as long as the textures are extreme.  I personally prefer deeper colors but don't be surprised if you catch me with a pink or a red lip.  

So as much as it pains me to pack away my warm weather items I am truly excited about what the fall season has to bring.  What are some of the things that you're looking forward to this fall season?

Photos courtesy of:  Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Clutch Magazine, Sharada Baker Beauty

Friday, August 30, 2013

Instagram Life & Update

Drive thru kickin' it

I have a massive addiction to these things.

this one though


At work and bored.
Breakfast of champions
I know that I haven't been blogging lately and I sincerely apologize.  I've been so preoccupied with work that I barely have time to sit down and write but what I have been doing is photographing.  Recently I've been on this huge Instagram kick and it's pretty nifty.  It's a great way for everyone to keep up with loved ones and friends without a lengthy status update or blog post.  

Check out my fabulous world

This weekend my boyfriend and I are going on a little mini vacation.  I'll try to keep you all updated with photos and maybe a blog post or two.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Review: Tomato Soap

So in my continual search of skincare products I have stumbled upon what is now my 'holy grail' item in my skincare regime.  I'm not just talking about my facial skincare regime, I'm speaking of full body skincare and it is tomato soap.  Yes, you read that correctly.....tomato soap.  

Tomatoes have high vitamin content and they are a rich source of that antioxidant nutrient, lycopene.  This is what causes tomatoes to be red.  Lycopene cuts the number of free radicals in the body thus countering the aging effects on the body.  Why wouldn't I buy it?

What's in it?
Ingredients include goat's milk, tomato leaf essential oil, tea tree essential oil, and red kaolin clay.  Each bar is anywhere from 4.5 to 5 ounces.

How can you get it?
I bought my bar from the SuppleeSoapCompany on Etsy.  (Click here)  They have other bath, body, and fragrance products for those who are interested.  They are handmade and they are made of high quality materials. I would not recommend anything that I don't trust.  

Total body skincare routine next time maybe?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Style Inspiration: Zoe Saldana

Recently Zoe Saldana has caught mine and many others attention not just for talents as an actress but also for her effortless style.  I believe that her ability to combine sexiness, effortlessness, and a sort of bohemian chic style is a large part of what makes her such an inspiration.  She knows what fits her body and dresses accordingly (or maybe that should be contributed to her stylist Petra Flannery).  Here are some of her looks....

Thank you for reading.  Hope you enjoyed.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

My Active/Prepared Life: Sorting Through Confusion

So as I drank my cup of hot water this morning (yep hot water, I'll explain later) and my 'roommate' began talking to me about duality (he does this a lot) I thought to myself 'what is he talking about it's much too early for this and why is he always so complicated'? 

Granted most things are complicated, rarely is there any thing that is clean cut.  However, how are these complications helping you achieve happiness?  As far as I can see these complications have only served as excuses and have only caused you stress.  If you realize that things are complicated, great.  Everything is not black and white, awesome.  But how is this helping you to make better decisions?  It should be helping you to make better decisions because if it is not then it's just creating mess.

If when asked why you feel a certain way you answer with it's complicated then you're confused.  I would even go further to suggest that knowing how you feel isn't what you want.  That anguish that you feel has so long been a part of your life that you don't know how feeling any other way would make you feel.  It would be uncomfortable and often painful.  So 'it's complicated' is now an excuse to remain where you are.  Unless of course you really are confused and of course no one ever wants to admit that they are confused or that they may not know (be ignorant of) especially when speaking of oneself.  If you don't know you, who does?  Deep down I believe we know ourselves; we just don't disclose or we have repressed what we know because honestly we just don't like what we know or discover.  For this we are in confusion and we can not come out until we at the very least admit what we know to ourselves.

If when asked how you feel regarding a specific topic (example: religion/politics) and you reply it's complicated then honestly honey you're confused.  Admit it.  You're confused and it's going to take a little more self-evaluation and contemplation to bring you out of that confusion.  It's okay to be confused.  I am definitely not saying that it is bad but I think that often people (including myself) are so concerned with not being seen as ignorant that we miss opportunities to acquire knowledge.  If it is knowledge that you seek then it is probably best not to try to be the most knowledgeable person in the room.  Now I will warn that if you seek knowledge you should be careful as to which knowledge you acquire and from where you acquire it.  There are agents out there that will corrupt you and your mind.  Thus you are back at square one>>>>>>>CONFUSION!!

So what does all this mean?  Sure things are complicated but when it becomes you're reasoning behind why you think, you act, and feel the way that you do then it's a result of mess/ignorance.  We all have it and the only way to rid yourself of it is to sort through it.  Complication should never be an excuse.  It should only be stated as a fact and once you know that it is a fact then you know what you have to do to clear it up.  Unless of course you are happy being complicated then by all means live and be happy.

Goal this week:  Simplify, reduce, and sort it out (in all categories).

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Be Healthy

If you're anything like me you need a plan to get most things done.  Creating a fitness routine can seem daunting because you're new to it and you want results, but where do you start?  I've put together a general full body workout that is sure to get you results.  It is called....

My No Excuses Just Results Workout

Warm-Up:  Do each for a minute.
High Knees
Run in Place
Jumping Jacks
Run 1 mile

Main Workout:  Do Each Circuit 2-3 times before moving to the next 
Circuit One:
20 Squats (weighted if advanced)
15 Squat Jumps
10 burpees

Circuit Two
20 Mountain Climbers
15 Push Ups
10 Bridges

Circuit Three
20 Lunges
15 Leg Lifts
10 Calf Raises

Core Work: Do each move for a minute
Russian Twist
Elbow Plank
Bicycle Crunches
Side Plank (each side)

Now this is just for starters, you can always customize your workout to fit your wants and needs.  I hope this helps someone who has been thinking of starting a workout plan.  Remember that in order to get results you must have consistency.  Don't get discouraged when you don't get what you expected, be encouraged and motivated to try harder. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

To Knockoff or Not to Knockoff

As I mentioned last week, I have been on a bit of a shopping spree and there's nothing better than thrift shopping.  So what better place to go than our neighborhood flee market?  The flee market is generally where I go to find unique pieces and other useful/useless trinkets. Well as I'm perusing the wares I began to notice a huge trend...knockoffs!


Knockoff - a copy or imitation of someone or something that is popular; typically at a lower price

The Dilemma
I understand that these items aren't in many of our budgets so we seek cheaper alternatives but is it necessary to purchase a fake?  Often times they aren't even believable fakes.  We all know that you can not possibly purchase a Louis Vuitton Speedy for $30.  That bag cost me about 2 months rent.  Designers work hard to come up with new innovative fashions.  They did what it took in order to create these things that many people covet so badly.  If it is so important for you to have that handbag or those shoes just save up for them or catch them on sale but please no knockoffs.  People who purchase the authentic items can spot a fake so that cheap imitation isn't impressing anyone.  Another alternative would be to purchase a bag that is a made by a relevantly lesser known label but isn't a knockoff.  The style may be similar but there is no apparent mimicking of labels.  That way you're stylish but within your budget.  I opt for these types of bags all the time.

Stay Classy
If you can't afford it don't purchase a cheap, ill-made version.  Save for it and treat yourself if you want it that badly.  That's what I did.

Knockoff vs. Real comparison courtesy of 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Style Inspiration: Lana Del Rey

Lana Lana Lana....having no idea as to who this woman was probably a detriment to my style (okay I'm being dramatic, but that's how much I admire her style).  Some people adore her and some people hate her but one things for're going to notice her.  She's so retro and bold.  Her music is equally just as trendsetting as her style.  

For a little treat I've uploaded one of my favorite songs by her.  Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.

Monday, July 29, 2013

My Active Prepared Life: Making the Best of It

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.
Nido Qubein

There are things in life that we don't like but may still have to do, for example, I have to wake up early in the morning to go to work.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a morning person but I have to work in order to pay bills. So why not make the best of it?  I come in and even though I am pooped, I just make my way to the break room, get a cup of coffee, and smile.  If you have to do it make at least some aspect of it enjoyable.

Focus on the big picture but don't forget these baby steps.
Sometimes you just have to pull out the old 'I doing what I have to do' trick.  Right now you don't like it but it's going to pay off in the long run.  For instance, I am not fond of being an administrative assistant (that's not what I went to college for) but the pay is okay and it's a job. Do you know how many of my peers graduated with me and still haven't found a job.  So why would I gripe about not liking my job when it's helping me to pay bills?

Be appreciative of all the good things and quite a few of the bad things.
Sometimes it help to sit down, pull out a piece of paper, and write down what is going good/great/okay in your life.  It's not all bad, for starters you get to see another day and try for dreams.  There are a good many people who didn't wake up or they don't get to pursue their dreams.  So be thankful that you get to try again.  Also be thankful for the bad things.  Like I've stated before, you have to look for the lesson.  Take something from that pain, hell you went through it!  You came out and sure it shook you up but you're here.

Try your best.
I'd like to add that you should put in as much effort as possible when faced with any task.  I always try to put my best work out even for the most menial of tasks because my name is on it.  If I'm contributing then I want it to be the best that it can be.  You never know who is watching.

Each one has to find his peace from within.  And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.

Mahatma Gandhi

Not to compromise the importance of happiness but let's be honest sometimes the issue is not the situation it's the person.  You choose to be happy regardless of your situation.  Your dream job is not going to make you happy suddenly because it never was the issue.  This is not to say that you should not pursue your dreams.  By all means go after them but until you've met them please make the best of your current situation.   What are choosing to let upset you?  Are you in control of the situation or is the situation in control of you?

This post sums up my goals for this week.  Never one to be deterred, I will have a great week this week and I hope that you all will do the same as well.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Arden B Sale!!

Okay, I have a shopping bug and today I found out that Arden B. is having one ridiculous sale.  For starters online only, they are taking 60% off of clearance.

They're also offering 40% off of dresses, signature denim, maxi skirts, shorts, and tops both in stores and online.  I love their clothing and their sales.  So get's only for a limited time. 

All pictures courtesy of

Monday, July 22, 2013

A Mini Haul: Target & Ulta

Okay so in true Dee fashion, this past weekend I decided to treat myself to a little retail therapy.  I've had such a rough week so I thought maybe a day to myself that included some shopping and dessert at one of my favorite cafes would brighten my mood.  It did and I also found some new very girly things.  

 A friend of mine had recently divulged to me that Target had a few Sonya Kashuk brush sets on sale so I decided to stop by Target and pick up a set.  Luckily enough for me there was one more left. 

Absolutely cute, it comes with a case too.  All for $8.48. 

Then it was on to Ulta where I found a few things to appease this spending bug. 

Eye makeup removers for only $1.50.

Absolutely love these things. They make blending so easy.

This set came with a lipstick (color: Honey), a lip gloss, a mascara,
and a bronzer all for a mere $25.  You just can't beat that.

Just a stippling brush because I've clearly misplaced mine.
These are very good quality for a great price.

So there you have it my little mini haul.  Well there was a bit more.  I also purchased a tube of Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel but not for the obvious reasons.  I actually use it as primer.  Yep, it's an old trick but it works.  My makeup goes on smoothly and it keeps the oil at bay.  Some say that it's comparable to Smashbox's Photo Finish Foundation Primer and I can honestly agree.  I love Smashbox's primer but it's pretty pricey, it retails at about $36.  The Monistat gel powder only cost about $7 and it definitely gets the job done.   I'll be doing more hauls and attempting to post everyday.
Thank you for reading.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Be Happy

"Happiness is not something ready made.  It comes from your own actions."
-Dalai Lama

When I made the decision to change the way that I live I chose to move towards happiness.  However, this proverbial pursuit of whatever happiness is has shown me that even though the word happiness can be defined, the feeling is an entity all its own and its definition depends purely on the seeker/possessor.  I don't believe that we stumble upon happiness or that what causes our despair now once fixed will result in immediate happiness (sure it will but its longevity is questionable).  No you can't just fall into's a choice.  What you do determines whether or not you'll be happy.  You have to want happiness.  If you're broke today and about to lose your home winning the lottery may subdue your misery for some time but where there is light there is also darkness and distress is unfortunately always around the corner. You have to make an effort.  I am a believer in doing what's right, though I may not do right all the time.  You should strive to be good to yourself and to others.  Your happiness depends on you.  If you change, it will prompt change in your lifestyle, your friends, and your surroundings.  

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
-Aristotle Onassis

Be grateful for what you have even if it is very little not because it could always be worse but because you know it will get better.  Make your thoughts positive thoughts.  Everyday won't be a good day, it's just not possible or plausible but if even on those bad days you force yourself to focus on the positive things that are taking place in your life you'll be all the better for it.  Trust me, I was a very angry/sad person and though I will not dwell on my situation I have come a long way in this last year. Your despair, anger, or whatever you want to call it will hold you back if you let it.

"Seeing is deceiving,
Dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay."
-Jessie J (Who You Are)

It's okay not to be okay.  You can not possibly be happy all the time unless there's some magical entity I don't know about.  It's not going to happen.  You could fake happiness but you're only hurting yourself.  When you feel angry, upset, sad, or miserable take the time to actually feel those feelings.  You do not have to dwell in them. Let them go after you've dealt with them.  Pain shouldn't last forever.  If you can't cope with what you feel then it's time to go seek professional help.  I say this with all the sincerity in my heart.  I don't think that depression or any feeling that may cause you to harm yourself or others is a laughing matter.  If you can't pull yourself up there are people who can help.  

Our happiness can't be found through any other means than ourselves.  Why not choose to be happy?